Okay so I have this idea, and I just wanted to see if other PbtA players had any thoughts.

Okay so I have this idea, and I just wanted to see if other PbtA players had any thoughts.

Okay so I have this idea, and I just wanted to see if other PbtA players had any thoughts. Remember that old game “killer” it was probably the first LARP I ever player, although I didn’t even know what a LARP was back then. In that game basically you stand in a circle and, if I remember correctly, you look at each other in the eye. If the killer winks at you, you die, but you can’t say anything. You just fall down. The goal is to call out the killer before you die.

Anyway… I was thinking that there has got to be a way to replicate this kind of mechanic. It may be because I’m binge watching Dexter, but I think with a mixture of the high octane emotional content of games like Monster Hearts or Malandros, there must be a way to pull this off. Of course there would be moves involved, not blinking.

I imagine that it would involve something like index cards, or random number generation or something, so that even the MC doesn’t know who the killer is.

I dunno it’s just a thought. Maybe someone else has already managed something like this.

I’m gonna work on it, but I was just wondering if anyone else might think this could be interesting.

It wouldn’t even have to be “killer” it could be any kind of “secret” like a spy game (a la Blindspot).

(and, again, if this isn’t the kind of thing that should be posted here, lemme know and I’ll remove it)

10 thoughts on “Okay so I have this idea, and I just wanted to see if other PbtA players had any thoughts.”

  1. Marshall Miller yes, exactly! I have this sort of bubbling brew of stuff that’s less like a specific setting and more like add ons to general mechanics of PbtA. Like when my group discovered that we needed a “be sneaky” basic move.

  2. Marshall Miller yes, exactly! I have this sort of bubbling brew of stuff that’s less like a specific setting and more like add ons to general mechanics of PbtA. Like when my group discovered that we needed a “be sneaky” basic move.

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