Video Updated

Since the google toolbox for hangouts seems to have gone the way of the Dodo. I have put together this quick rough video on how to use OBS to get your Lower 3rd back and also add other graphical elements to your Hangout camera.

there are a few steps. I may re-record this later if I can find some time to do a bit more production value on it. but the basics of using OBS to do Lower 3rd in Hangouts is here.

NOTE this really will only help Windows users. if your on Mac or Linux you will need to hunt down a different Virtual Camera Output plugin for OBS..

8 thoughts on “”

  1. For me and everybody I have asked (Tyler, Rich, Patrick, Shane, my partner) it hasn’t been working since three weeks or so. The app doesn’t load successfully anymore after clicking it.

  2. For me and everybody I have asked (Tyler, Rich, Patrick, Shane, my partner) it hasn’t been working since three weeks or so. The app doesn’t load successfully anymore after clicking it.

  3. So thank you very much, Lachiel, for putting this together. I actually started to look at your other OBS blue screen tutorials just yesterday for that very reason. Perfect timing for this video.

  4. So thank you very much, Lachiel, for putting this together. I actually started to look at your other OBS blue screen tutorials just yesterday for that very reason. Perfect timing for this video.

  5. I also like the OBS solution because you can also do more than just Lower3rds. with the same tools . techniques you can display a character card, hand outs, dice roller screen etc… anyway I had hoped this would be useful and help those who are stressed about the Hangout Tools issue.

  6. I also like the OBS solution because you can also do more than just Lower3rds. with the same tools . techniques you can display a character card, hand outs, dice roller screen etc… anyway I had hoped this would be useful and help those who are stressed about the Hangout Tools issue.

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