Discern Realities is back!

Discern Realities is back!

Discern Realities is back!

In this one, we announce a brand-new contest. Here are the details:

-Create a magic item, custom move, or monster inspired by one of the Keepers of the Gauntlet titles.

-Paste your entries as a comment here or send it to gauntletpodcast@gmail.com

-250 word limit per entry

-You can submit as many entries as you like.

-We’ll be reading select entries every episode until the contest is over.

-Deadline for contest submissions: March 1st, 2018 at 11:59 PM EDT.

-Prizes: One winner will receive $25 and be invited to co-host an episode of the show. Up to two runners-up will each receive $25.

Keeper titles can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fZ_JFA4_pxp_JEa20mZ0KidhKjbrwPrswOBoDZtB6PU/edit#gid=771622354

If you have any questions, let me know here.


70 thoughts on “Discern Realities is back!”

  1. The Keeper of Unidentified Artifacts: an alternative to spout lore

    The world is older than men, dwarves and even elves. Much has been lost and forgotten. Still Fate calls to those heroes who brave the unknown and commit themselves to forging their own destiny. Grasping the ancient powers that others fear and bending them to their wills. Wiser, more cautious sages may spend years locked away in vast libraries seeking answers they may never find. But legends are born of those who accept the danger and trust in his own determination.

    When you commit yourself to mastering a relic of power whose lore has been lost to living memory roll + NOTHING. On a 10+ describe how your spirit binds with the artifact and you come to know its secrets. On a 7-9 the magic of the relic demands a boon from you, the GM will describe a quest that you must complete before you may unlock the items secrets or get rid of it. On a 12+ Same as 10+ and you may also choose to accept the artifact quest using the paladin’s move. Take the Item with you to the black gate on a 6-, maybe death will reveal its true purpose.

  2. The Keeper of Unidentified Artifacts: an alternative to spout lore

    The world is older than men, dwarves and even elves. Much has been lost and forgotten. Still Fate calls to those heroes who brave the unknown and commit themselves to forging their own destiny. Grasping the ancient powers that others fear and bending them to their wills. Wiser, more cautious sages may spend years locked away in vast libraries seeking answers they may never find. But legends are born of those who accept the danger and trust in his own determination.

    When you commit yourself to mastering a relic of power whose lore has been lost to living memory roll + NOTHING. On a 10+ describe how your spirit binds with the artifact and you come to know its secrets. On a 7-9 the magic of the relic demands a boon from you, the GM will describe a quest that you must complete before you may unlock the items secrets or get rid of it. On a 12+ Same as 10+ and you may also choose to accept the artifact quest using the paladin’s move. Take the Item with you to the black gate on a 6-, maybe death will reveal its true purpose.

  3. Keeper of the Eyes of Gormakir the Cruel: an item for a darker hero

    Despite their age, these orbs still retain the moisture and warmth of eyes freshly removed from a living victim. They still glare with barely contained hatred and lust. Cast them aside or bury them deep, they do not care and will wait forever for a less inhibited partner. Accept their offer and they will show you the truths they see.

    When you accept the urgings of the Eyes of Gormakir the Cruel, they quickly dry out and descentigrate. When you discern realities you may also ask one of the following questions:

    *what here is weak or afraid?

    *what here is secret or shameful?

    *what here suffers or hides its pain?

    When you act on the answers to these questions you may ask the GM one of the following questions for free. If the GM cannot answer then you may tell them the truth as you see it.

    *What here secretly yearns for domination or pain?

    *Who would do anything to hide their crimes or avoid punishment?

    *How can I increase the pain or make it unbearable?

    If your eyes are removed (before or after death) they possess the same properties and powers as Gormakir’s

  4. Keeper of the Eyes of Gormakir the Cruel: an item for a darker hero

    Despite their age, these orbs still retain the moisture and warmth of eyes freshly removed from a living victim. They still glare with barely contained hatred and lust. Cast them aside or bury them deep, they do not care and will wait forever for a less inhibited partner. Accept their offer and they will show you the truths they see.

    When you accept the urgings of the Eyes of Gormakir the Cruel, they quickly dry out and descentigrate. When you discern realities you may also ask one of the following questions:

    *what here is weak or afraid?

    *what here is secret or shameful?

    *what here suffers or hides its pain?

    When you act on the answers to these questions you may ask the GM one of the following questions for free. If the GM cannot answer then you may tell them the truth as you see it.

    *What here secretly yearns for domination or pain?

    *Who would do anything to hide their crimes or avoid punishment?

    *How can I increase the pain or make it unbearable?

    If your eyes are removed (before or after death) they possess the same properties and powers as Gormakir’s

  5. Keeper of the Book of False Rituals

    Collected Motions of Melbridyon Hynge

    This tiny book is nothing more than a few folded pages bound with string. It is not unique and a variety of different editions can be found being peddled by suspicious types on the streets of larger cities. It is filled with three word titles of spells and simple illustrations of robed figures holding odd poses and gesturing. The images are clearly meant to be sequences of movement that, when strung together, produce magical effects. Unfortunately, the poor layout makes it difficult to tell which pose follows another or which spell they belong to. The whole thing is so poorly designed that the more carefully you think about what it’s telling you to do, the worse the results will be.

    When you attempt to perform one of the spells in the Collected Motions of Melbridyon Hynge, say the three word title of the spell and what you hope it will do, Perform several “mystical –looking” motions, and roll+ INT.

    6-: You actually get results that are pretty close to what you wanted! The GM will tell you what went wrong and how it turned out to accomplish your goal.

    7-9: Whatever you did was wrong because you got completely different results. Fortunately, it was useful in a very different way. The GM will tell you how.

    10+: Oh no! You thought about it too hard! Mark XP. The GM will tell you how the spell went horribly wrong.

  6. Keeper of the Book of False Rituals

    Collected Motions of Melbridyon Hynge

    This tiny book is nothing more than a few folded pages bound with string. It is not unique and a variety of different editions can be found being peddled by suspicious types on the streets of larger cities. It is filled with three word titles of spells and simple illustrations of robed figures holding odd poses and gesturing. The images are clearly meant to be sequences of movement that, when strung together, produce magical effects. Unfortunately, the poor layout makes it difficult to tell which pose follows another or which spell they belong to. The whole thing is so poorly designed that the more carefully you think about what it’s telling you to do, the worse the results will be.

    When you attempt to perform one of the spells in the Collected Motions of Melbridyon Hynge, say the three word title of the spell and what you hope it will do, Perform several “mystical –looking” motions, and roll+ INT.

    6-: You actually get results that are pretty close to what you wanted! The GM will tell you what went wrong and how it turned out to accomplish your goal.

    7-9: Whatever you did was wrong because you got completely different results. Fortunately, it was useful in a very different way. The GM will tell you how.

    10+: Oh no! You thought about it too hard! Mark XP. The GM will tell you how the spell went horribly wrong.

  7. Keeper of the Orphan’s Kiss

    When you stumble upon the skeletal remains of a child you find a teddy bear, old and worn but still in good shape, clutched in the child’s arms. When you touch the bear roll + CHA

    6-: The spirit of the child takes residence in your body. You will sometimes struggle with the child as it attempts to take control of you. When you are presented with a scene or situation that the GM feels a child would want to ‘investigate’ and you accept then take XP.

    7 – 9: The spirit of the child takes residence in your backpack. You begin to notice that your things are missing at inopportune times. The child has no malice but it likes to go through your stuff and play with it and sometimes things don’t get put back. The GM will tell you what and when.

    10+: The spirit of the child begins following you around. The child likes to ask a lot of questions. A stern ‘Don’t make me get up’ or ‘I am counting to three…’ will usually quiet it down.

    When you appear at the Black Gate you see a green field full of kids rollicking and playing games. Death is striding toward you with her arms open wide. You feel something brush past your leg and a small translucent child runs to Death and jumps in her arms and kisses her on the cheek. Death thanks you and gives you a reprieve… until next time.

  8. Keeper of the Orphan’s Kiss

    When you stumble upon the skeletal remains of a child you find a teddy bear, old and worn but still in good shape, clutched in the child’s arms. When you touch the bear roll + CHA

    6-: The spirit of the child takes residence in your body. You will sometimes struggle with the child as it attempts to take control of you. When you are presented with a scene or situation that the GM feels a child would want to ‘investigate’ and you accept then take XP.

    7 – 9: The spirit of the child takes residence in your backpack. You begin to notice that your things are missing at inopportune times. The child has no malice but it likes to go through your stuff and play with it and sometimes things don’t get put back. The GM will tell you what and when.

    10+: The spirit of the child begins following you around. The child likes to ask a lot of questions. A stern ‘Don’t make me get up’ or ‘I am counting to three…’ will usually quiet it down.

    When you appear at the Black Gate you see a green field full of kids rollicking and playing games. Death is striding toward you with her arms open wide. You feel something brush past your leg and a small translucent child runs to Death and jumps in her arms and kisses her on the cheek. Death thanks you and gives you a reprieve… until next time.

  9. Keeper of the Teeth Tithings

    Every year the Order of the Enlightened Warriors proffer their gladiatorial tournament in their endeavor to bring enlightenment to the general population.. To participate in the tournament you must present one of your teeth, freshly extracted, and offer it on the Altar of Teeth Tithings. When you do this roll + Cha.

    10+: You are accepted as an enlightened contender for the tournament.

    7 to 9: You are nearing worthiness. The alter demands another tooth immediately as final proof of your enlightenment.

    You can offer an additional tooth of an unwilling person to the altar for +1 to your roll.

    If you manage to procure a world tooth (Keeper of the World Teeth) and offer it on the altar you roll an automatic 10+. If you win the tournament then you will be recognized as the leader of the order.

    Any attempt to trick the altar will result in all your teeth falling out (messy tag).

  10. Keeper of the Teeth Tithings

    Every year the Order of the Enlightened Warriors proffer their gladiatorial tournament in their endeavor to bring enlightenment to the general population.. To participate in the tournament you must present one of your teeth, freshly extracted, and offer it on the Altar of Teeth Tithings. When you do this roll + Cha.

    10+: You are accepted as an enlightened contender for the tournament.

    7 to 9: You are nearing worthiness. The alter demands another tooth immediately as final proof of your enlightenment.

    You can offer an additional tooth of an unwilling person to the altar for +1 to your roll.

    If you manage to procure a world tooth (Keeper of the World Teeth) and offer it on the altar you roll an automatic 10+. If you win the tournament then you will be recognized as the leader of the order.

    Any attempt to trick the altar will result in all your teeth falling out (messy tag).

  11. “The finest trick of the devil is persuading you that he doesn’t exist.” – Charles Pierre Baudelaire

    The Glossary of Blades is a catalog of evil weapons throughout history with stories about their misdeeds and hypothesized locations, and is celebrated as the most printed manuscript ever. However, the story of the book’s true origin is far more interesting than any you’ll find within its pages!

    Vere Bal’kint – an initiate of an order founded to preserve the history of evil – was tasked with translating texts from archaic Englaza into common. While translating the scroll “The true name of Blad’deas”, Vere mistranslated “true name” as “true descriptions” and poorly transcribed “Blad’deas” as “Blades”. Upon reviewing the translation Vere’s inattentive master chastised him for imprecision, noting that a more succinct term for “true descriptions” was “glossary”. A series of errors lead the the book’s conception, but the greatest error was not knowing that Vere Bal’kint was the alias used by the devil Blad’deas when assuming human form!

    Anyone finding and translating original Englaza texts may rediscover Blad’deas’ true name and summon or banish the devil as they desire. Clues to the location of an ancient Englaza library are hidden throughout The Glossary.

    When you spend some time leafing through The Glossary of Blades, the small engraving of a landmark sparks your memory and the GM describes it. Roll + INT.

    10+ Both

    7-9 Choose 1

    > Describe where you remember seeing the landmark as a youth

    > Describe the weapon and its entry cataloged near the engraving

  12. “The finest trick of the devil is persuading you that he doesn’t exist.” – Charles Pierre Baudelaire

    The Glossary of Blades is a catalog of evil weapons throughout history with stories about their misdeeds and hypothesized locations, and is celebrated as the most printed manuscript ever. However, the story of the book’s true origin is far more interesting than any you’ll find within its pages!

    Vere Bal’kint – an initiate of an order founded to preserve the history of evil – was tasked with translating texts from archaic Englaza into common. While translating the scroll “The true name of Blad’deas”, Vere mistranslated “true name” as “true descriptions” and poorly transcribed “Blad’deas” as “Blades”. Upon reviewing the translation Vere’s inattentive master chastised him for imprecision, noting that a more succinct term for “true descriptions” was “glossary”. A series of errors lead the the book’s conception, but the greatest error was not knowing that Vere Bal’kint was the alias used by the devil Blad’deas when assuming human form!

    Anyone finding and translating original Englaza texts may rediscover Blad’deas’ true name and summon or banish the devil as they desire. Clues to the location of an ancient Englaza library are hidden throughout The Glossary.

    When you spend some time leafing through The Glossary of Blades, the small engraving of a landmark sparks your memory and the GM describes it. Roll + INT.

    10+ Both

    7-9 Choose 1

    > Describe where you remember seeing the landmark as a youth

    > Describe the weapon and its entry cataloged near the engraving

  13. Wars raged for millennia for the right to be called the ruler of the Ten Hells. A bureaucrat ended the wars by proclaiming that because Asmodius the Defiler was the first among devils to occupy the Ten Hells he was their rightful “owner” and ruler. A deed was quickly drawn and all agreed that Asmodius was ruler by virtue of the deed. The overt war ended, but a new war began for ownership of the deed.

    Countless attempts to steal the document occurred over several millennia. Possession is nine-tenths of the law, so whoever holds the deed is the rightful owner of the Ten Hells, and thus ruler. The Defiler and his generals enacted a plan to rotate ownership of the deed between them so that none may know its true whereabouts. Contracts were drawn stating that whoever among them kept the deed would defer rulership to Asmodius.

    Two millennia ago Asmodius’ top general Blad’deas the Wise became Keeper of the Deed to the Ten Hells. He completely vanished soon after and inexplicably managed to write himself out of the histories of mankind. If someone were to find and bind him, they could become the new Keeper of the Deed to the Ten Hells.

    When you attempt to bind Blad’deas the Wise to your service, roll + nothing (or +CHA if you know his true name).

    10+ Blad’deas is bound, and will do your bidding

    7-9 Blad’deas is bound, but obeying you comes with a cost (GM will describe it)

  14. Wars raged for millennia for the right to be called the ruler of the Ten Hells. A bureaucrat ended the wars by proclaiming that because Asmodius the Defiler was the first among devils to occupy the Ten Hells he was their rightful “owner” and ruler. A deed was quickly drawn and all agreed that Asmodius was ruler by virtue of the deed. The overt war ended, but a new war began for ownership of the deed.

    Countless attempts to steal the document occurred over several millennia. Possession is nine-tenths of the law, so whoever holds the deed is the rightful owner of the Ten Hells, and thus ruler. The Defiler and his generals enacted a plan to rotate ownership of the deed between them so that none may know its true whereabouts. Contracts were drawn stating that whoever among them kept the deed would defer rulership to Asmodius.

    Two millennia ago Asmodius’ top general Blad’deas the Wise became Keeper of the Deed to the Ten Hells. He completely vanished soon after and inexplicably managed to write himself out of the histories of mankind. If someone were to find and bind him, they could become the new Keeper of the Deed to the Ten Hells.

    When you attempt to bind Blad’deas the Wise to your service, roll + nothing (or +CHA if you know his true name).

    10+ Blad’deas is bound, and will do your bidding

    7-9 Blad’deas is bound, but obeying you comes with a cost (GM will describe it)


    Solitary, Small, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Cautious, Planar, Terrifying

    Acid Spray (d12+2 damage)

    Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near

    22 HP 5 armor

    Special Qualities: Horrid, stinking mass of entrails

    Mah Gahuuldra, the God-king, finally met his match. The noble sorcerer Yeorian was torn apart facing the evil tyrant but spoke one final spell that melted away the flesh and bone. All that was left of the centuries-old dictator was a lump of guts. Unfortunately, the God-king will not die and the squishy mass continues to haunt the realm he once ruled. It slides through the lands bending all to it’s will and melting those who will not obey.

    Instinct: Dominate all of creation

    • Force all within ten strides to their knees

    • Cause flesh to wither and boils to rise

    • Squelch out a painful secret


    Solitary, Small, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Cautious, Planar, Terrifying

    Acid Spray (d12+2 damage)

    Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near

    22 HP 5 armor

    Special Qualities: Horrid, stinking mass of entrails

    Mah Gahuuldra, the God-king, finally met his match. The noble sorcerer Yeorian was torn apart facing the evil tyrant but spoke one final spell that melted away the flesh and bone. All that was left of the centuries-old dictator was a lump of guts. Unfortunately, the God-king will not die and the squishy mass continues to haunt the realm he once ruled. It slides through the lands bending all to it’s will and melting those who will not obey.

    Instinct: Dominate all of creation

    • Force all within ten strides to their knees

    • Cause flesh to wither and boils to rise

    • Squelch out a painful secret


    On mossy forest floors, the Mouth of Elysium waits for large mammals to feed upon. If anything worth eating walks over it, a wide but shallow pit will open. The creature that falls in will find itself in the grip of dozens of long wet tongues. Each one is covered in a potent chemical that overwhelms the victim with sensations of pleasure and joy. The ends of the tongues are razor sharp and will begin to dismantle the delighted prey.

    When you fall into the Mouth of Elysium, roll+CON.

    10+, you resist the toxin and climb out unharmed. Describe what it felt like and how you were able to overcome the pleasure tongues.

    7-9, you hesitate before climbing out. Describe the delights that held you in thrall. The GM will will tell you what is missing from your body by the time you escape.


    On mossy forest floors, the Mouth of Elysium waits for large mammals to feed upon. If anything worth eating walks over it, a wide but shallow pit will open. The creature that falls in will find itself in the grip of dozens of long wet tongues. Each one is covered in a potent chemical that overwhelms the victim with sensations of pleasure and joy. The ends of the tongues are razor sharp and will begin to dismantle the delighted prey.

    When you fall into the Mouth of Elysium, roll+CON.

    10+, you resist the toxin and climb out unharmed. Describe what it felt like and how you were able to overcome the pleasure tongues.

    7-9, you hesitate before climbing out. Describe the delights that held you in thrall. The GM will will tell you what is missing from your body by the time you escape.

  19. Keeper of the Voice of the Silent Emperor

    The Silent Emperor is the ruler over the Severed Region. Ten years ago a wizard stole his voice and disappeared. The emperor has a strong distrust and paranoia of all wizards now. The emperor is so bitter about his stolen voice and the fact all others still have their voice that he has slowly been losing his sanity. Now no verbal communication is allowed in the palace. Anyone caught violating this rule is put to death by decree of the emperor. But he has a weakness for the arts. There is a stage in the palace courts where the emperor will allow poetry, singing and plays. Any person or group seeking an audience with the emperor must make their request to him in verse, song or a story in play form. If you do this then roll + CHA (using the highest Charisma of participating PCs.)

    10+: Choose 2

    7 – 9: Choose 1

    – The emperor provides you aid

    – The emperor does not have his physicians ‘probe the mind’ of the party’s wizard (or the party member he deduces to be a wizard) to determine if they know anything about his stolen voice.

  20. Keeper of the Voice of the Silent Emperor

    The Silent Emperor is the ruler over the Severed Region. Ten years ago a wizard stole his voice and disappeared. The emperor has a strong distrust and paranoia of all wizards now. The emperor is so bitter about his stolen voice and the fact all others still have their voice that he has slowly been losing his sanity. Now no verbal communication is allowed in the palace. Anyone caught violating this rule is put to death by decree of the emperor. But he has a weakness for the arts. There is a stage in the palace courts where the emperor will allow poetry, singing and plays. Any person or group seeking an audience with the emperor must make their request to him in verse, song or a story in play form. If you do this then roll + CHA (using the highest Charisma of participating PCs.)

    10+: Choose 2

    7 – 9: Choose 1

    – The emperor provides you aid

    – The emperor does not have his physicians ‘probe the mind’ of the party’s wizard (or the party member he deduces to be a wizard) to determine if they know anything about his stolen voice.

  21. so im not great at polished/fully fleshed ideas, but rather than sit silently, since i happen to be actually online during a podcast’s challenge (an inexplicably rare phenomenon for me) imma barrage folks with some examples here, so that hopefully by march at least half of the keeper titles will have had someone make a suggestion about them. first one up soon

  22. so im not great at polished/fully fleshed ideas, but rather than sit silently, since i happen to be actually online during a podcast’s challenge (an inexplicably rare phenomenon for me) imma barrage folks with some examples here, so that hopefully by march at least half of the keeper titles will have had someone make a suggestion about them. first one up soon

  23. Keeper of the Child Upon Whom We Dare Not Look

    When one is imprisoning a creature whose very countenance is dangerous, its important to have a strategy for ensuring people don’t look. The simplest solution is a bardic one – make everyone look at someone else. The following custom move is intended as a move a bard can take when they go up a level.

    EYES ON ME – when you perform in an attempt to distract, roll +CHA. On a 10+ your audience gives you its total and undivided attention for the duration of the performance, becoming totally oblivious to anything short direct or imminent physical harm. On a 7-9 your audience is still rapt, but they are aware of what else is going on around them, will notice and remember them and can take small steps to hinder events they don’t like, as long as doing so doesn’t compromise their ability to fully observe the performance.

    The eyes on me performance does carry a mild charm effect, but it is not expressly part of Arcane Art, so the bard isn’t limited in his choice of performance styles/instruments. Eyes on Me can just as easily be a ribald anecdote or sultry dance step as a traditional musical performance.

  24. Keeper of the Child Upon Whom We Dare Not Look

    When one is imprisoning a creature whose very countenance is dangerous, its important to have a strategy for ensuring people don’t look. The simplest solution is a bardic one – make everyone look at someone else. The following custom move is intended as a move a bard can take when they go up a level.

    EYES ON ME – when you perform in an attempt to distract, roll +CHA. On a 10+ your audience gives you its total and undivided attention for the duration of the performance, becoming totally oblivious to anything short direct or imminent physical harm. On a 7-9 your audience is still rapt, but they are aware of what else is going on around them, will notice and remember them and can take small steps to hinder events they don’t like, as long as doing so doesn’t compromise their ability to fully observe the performance.

    The eyes on me performance does carry a mild charm effect, but it is not expressly part of Arcane Art, so the bard isn’t limited in his choice of performance styles/instruments. Eyes on Me can just as easily be a ribald anecdote or sultry dance step as a traditional musical performance.

  25. Keeper of the Purple Falsehood

    Mauveine Spores (magic item)- A cognivorous mould first found growing from the ruins of a wizards tower overcome by sweltering swamp Mauveine was once a secret jealously guarded by those who possessed it. If a large glob of the stuff is rubbed into an open wound the target rolls +INT, with symbiosis successfully starting on any hit, but also a mild infection on a 7-9 (the sick debility which recurs whenever the spores are used).

    Once symbiosis is achieved the host may feel less creative, as the spores in his blood syphon off small amounts of his mental energy, but this dulling of artistic talents is considered a small price to pay.

    The spores work to keep their host organism alive, forming fresh tissue to replace damaged tissue as required. Whenever it chooses the host may cause the spores to grow healing itself 2d8 damage. This requires more energy for the spores though, inflicting the confused debility on the host.

    This healing can perform miracles, allowing a wounded warrior to reattach severed body parts if held up to the wound. The spores can also regrow whole new body parts, but such extreme work takes time (anywhere from a night to a month, depending on amount replaced).

    New tissue created by the spores is bright purple, so hosts to the spores are often easily spotted by the purple lines that spread along their body over every cut the spores have closed. Unscrupulous types have been known to try to kidnap Mauveine hosts to try and harvest the spores from them, as the spores have gained some renown after a prince used some to recover after a rival rather bloodily ensured he would be the last of his fathers line. the sobriquet the bards use to describe the knights who retrieved the Mauveine for the prince – keepers of the purple falsehood is unfair, as it didn’t form into that shape until after it was bonded with the wounded prince, of course, they were paid quite well, and having ones name used in an uncommonly smutty saga is a small burden to save an empire.

  26. Keeper of the Purple Falsehood

    Mauveine Spores (magic item)- A cognivorous mould first found growing from the ruins of a wizards tower overcome by sweltering swamp Mauveine was once a secret jealously guarded by those who possessed it. If a large glob of the stuff is rubbed into an open wound the target rolls +INT, with symbiosis successfully starting on any hit, but also a mild infection on a 7-9 (the sick debility which recurs whenever the spores are used).

    Once symbiosis is achieved the host may feel less creative, as the spores in his blood syphon off small amounts of his mental energy, but this dulling of artistic talents is considered a small price to pay.

    The spores work to keep their host organism alive, forming fresh tissue to replace damaged tissue as required. Whenever it chooses the host may cause the spores to grow healing itself 2d8 damage. This requires more energy for the spores though, inflicting the confused debility on the host.

    This healing can perform miracles, allowing a wounded warrior to reattach severed body parts if held up to the wound. The spores can also regrow whole new body parts, but such extreme work takes time (anywhere from a night to a month, depending on amount replaced).

    New tissue created by the spores is bright purple, so hosts to the spores are often easily spotted by the purple lines that spread along their body over every cut the spores have closed. Unscrupulous types have been known to try to kidnap Mauveine hosts to try and harvest the spores from them, as the spores have gained some renown after a prince used some to recover after a rival rather bloodily ensured he would be the last of his fathers line. the sobriquet the bards use to describe the knights who retrieved the Mauveine for the prince – keepers of the purple falsehood is unfair, as it didn’t form into that shape until after it was bonded with the wounded prince, of course, they were paid quite well, and having ones name used in an uncommonly smutty saga is a small burden to save an empire.

  27. Keeper of the Blood of Lursiss

    The Legendary Druid Lursiss, concerned that his war to ensure the primacy of the wild and destroy the empires of men would take longer than one lifetime concocted a way to continue his war beyond his years. He did not choose the path of undeath, but instead constructed grim altars deep within the woods wherein he performed a ritual to bind his will to his bloodline, allowing his soul to possess his progeny upon his death. He needed to repeat the process with each new body, so Lursiss’ grim altars can be found in several dark corners of the world, and while his ritual is believed to have died with him his altars can be used by those seeking the reverse effect- seperation from ones forbears. The ritual of unbirth is decidedly unpleasant – it begins with a bath of raw eggs, and gets far worse before it gets better. When finished the ritual leader (who may or may not be the target doing this to himself) rolls +CHA. On a hit the target is mystically severed from his ancestors- Free from any ancestral curses or boons, any strange legacies or even mundane responsibilities. All memories anyone has that connects him to his family is altered, save only the memories of the ritualist(s), and on a 10+ all written records that had mentioned the targets connection to his family are also altered. The target becomes someone with no origin or past.

  28. Keeper of the Blood of Lursiss

    The Legendary Druid Lursiss, concerned that his war to ensure the primacy of the wild and destroy the empires of men would take longer than one lifetime concocted a way to continue his war beyond his years. He did not choose the path of undeath, but instead constructed grim altars deep within the woods wherein he performed a ritual to bind his will to his bloodline, allowing his soul to possess his progeny upon his death. He needed to repeat the process with each new body, so Lursiss’ grim altars can be found in several dark corners of the world, and while his ritual is believed to have died with him his altars can be used by those seeking the reverse effect- seperation from ones forbears. The ritual of unbirth is decidedly unpleasant – it begins with a bath of raw eggs, and gets far worse before it gets better. When finished the ritual leader (who may or may not be the target doing this to himself) rolls +CHA. On a hit the target is mystically severed from his ancestors- Free from any ancestral curses or boons, any strange legacies or even mundane responsibilities. All memories anyone has that connects him to his family is altered, save only the memories of the ritualist(s), and on a 10+ all written records that had mentioned the targets connection to his family are also altered. The target becomes someone with no origin or past.

  29. Keeper of the Omegatherion of Fasar

    Fasar was a taxidermist, turning the hunts of the wealthy into impressive trophies to serve as proof of exaggerated skill. He gained success when he began crafting strange homunculous, impressive and sometimes horrifying creatures that never were, for nobles to impress the gullible.

    But he learnt the difference between wealth and status when his son died at a nobles party, and none of his patrons would use their influence to help him get justice. Fasar fought, but after wasting all his money on his quest for justice, he succumbed to dark vengeance, and constructed a hideous construct, a pastiche of different monsters in the vague form of a man, which gained life from its creators boundless rage.

    Now it stalks the nights, killing nobles and harvesting their pieces for unknown purposes.


    Solitary, Intelligent, Terrifying, Construct,

    scalpel claws (d10 + 2 damage, + 1 piercing, Close);

    19HP; 2 armor;

    Instinct: to soak its stuffing with the blood of the rich

    Special Qualities: The omegatherion does not heal normally, but can replace damaged parts with time and privacy. It can also change its body, attaching exotic creature parts to itself in any fashion it wants. When encountered it should have 1 or 2 additional special moves based on its current pieces (it’s fond of giant wings, but they wear out and aren’t easy to replace, so mostly its encountered grounded)


    • appear/disappear into the shadows

    • Sever tendons

  30. Keeper of the Omegatherion of Fasar

    Fasar was a taxidermist, turning the hunts of the wealthy into impressive trophies to serve as proof of exaggerated skill. He gained success when he began crafting strange homunculous, impressive and sometimes horrifying creatures that never were, for nobles to impress the gullible.

    But he learnt the difference between wealth and status when his son died at a nobles party, and none of his patrons would use their influence to help him get justice. Fasar fought, but after wasting all his money on his quest for justice, he succumbed to dark vengeance, and constructed a hideous construct, a pastiche of different monsters in the vague form of a man, which gained life from its creators boundless rage.

    Now it stalks the nights, killing nobles and harvesting their pieces for unknown purposes.


    Solitary, Intelligent, Terrifying, Construct,

    scalpel claws (d10 + 2 damage, + 1 piercing, Close);

    19HP; 2 armor;

    Instinct: to soak its stuffing with the blood of the rich

    Special Qualities: The omegatherion does not heal normally, but can replace damaged parts with time and privacy. It can also change its body, attaching exotic creature parts to itself in any fashion it wants. When encountered it should have 1 or 2 additional special moves based on its current pieces (it’s fond of giant wings, but they wear out and aren’t easy to replace, so mostly its encountered grounded)


    • appear/disappear into the shadows

    • Sever tendons

  31. Keeper of the Wanting Widows of Thon the Promiscuous

    The legendary adventurer Thon always claimed he was a demigod, a mortal hero of divine parentage, but few believed him. His story that he was barred from his fathers house because he drunkenly used an amphora of Manna to wash himself seems to have had a grain of truth to it. Certainly the ladies who had… tasted the manna soaked man seemed to become addicted, and many wasted away when he inevitably left them, finding no joy in food, drink or any part of life.

    The wanting widows of Thon the Promiscuous are tiny brass urns, worn as pendants, with the name of one of Thon’s “widows” engraved on the outside, and some of her ashes within. The yearning that Thon uncaringly put upon them lingers still, and the pendants grow warm in the presence of divine magic, glowing with a faint light that allows a well studied holder to determine the nature of the deity involved. The pendants are actually drawn to any divine avatars or demigods (including demon kings) like a magnet, and if one has been in the immediate presence of such a creature the wielder can by simple act of will, ask the ashes to remember that being, and begin pulling, making a crude divine entity locator.

  32. Keeper of the Wanting Widows of Thon the Promiscuous

    The legendary adventurer Thon always claimed he was a demigod, a mortal hero of divine parentage, but few believed him. His story that he was barred from his fathers house because he drunkenly used an amphora of Manna to wash himself seems to have had a grain of truth to it. Certainly the ladies who had… tasted the manna soaked man seemed to become addicted, and many wasted away when he inevitably left them, finding no joy in food, drink or any part of life.

    The wanting widows of Thon the Promiscuous are tiny brass urns, worn as pendants, with the name of one of Thon’s “widows” engraved on the outside, and some of her ashes within. The yearning that Thon uncaringly put upon them lingers still, and the pendants grow warm in the presence of divine magic, glowing with a faint light that allows a well studied holder to determine the nature of the deity involved. The pendants are actually drawn to any divine avatars or demigods (including demon kings) like a magnet, and if one has been in the immediate presence of such a creature the wielder can by simple act of will, ask the ashes to remember that being, and begin pulling, making a crude divine entity locator.

  33. The men of the north claim the world was made from the corpse of a giant, killed treacherously by his divine children who wanted a new world to adventure upon. Others scoff at the story, but those outlanders who’ve seen the Weeping Cells sometimes wonder if the story is not so implausible after all.

    In a cave high on mount vallithorn overlooking the great city that took its name, miners found that under a thin layer of rock was thick bone, around an enormous empty cavern. They have unearthed a hole in this structure which they attest to be an eyesocket of the giant’s skull. The energy inside the “skull” made climbing down to explore it impossible, but they found a use for it. They built an iron cage which, with stout chains and winches could lower a prisoner into the void. Anyone in the cell is overwhelmed with sorrow, pain and betrayal, as the remnants of the creatures feelings are far too big for a tiny human to withstand. It makes for an impressive interrogation/torture technique.

    If you’ve convinced the priests who guard the cave to let you utilize it (or found the other eyehole somewhere on the far side of the mountain) lower your prisoner and roll +WIS.

    On a 10+ they spill, answering every question you have as honestly as they are able.

    On a 7-9 they also answer, but their time inside is still overwhelming them, making them distant and their answers short and muddled.

  34. The men of the north claim the world was made from the corpse of a giant, killed treacherously by his divine children who wanted a new world to adventure upon. Others scoff at the story, but those outlanders who’ve seen the Weeping Cells sometimes wonder if the story is not so implausible after all.

    In a cave high on mount vallithorn overlooking the great city that took its name, miners found that under a thin layer of rock was thick bone, around an enormous empty cavern. They have unearthed a hole in this structure which they attest to be an eyesocket of the giant’s skull. The energy inside the “skull” made climbing down to explore it impossible, but they found a use for it. They built an iron cage which, with stout chains and winches could lower a prisoner into the void. Anyone in the cell is overwhelmed with sorrow, pain and betrayal, as the remnants of the creatures feelings are far too big for a tiny human to withstand. It makes for an impressive interrogation/torture technique.

    If you’ve convinced the priests who guard the cave to let you utilize it (or found the other eyehole somewhere on the far side of the mountain) lower your prisoner and roll +WIS.

    On a 10+ they spill, answering every question you have as honestly as they are able.

    On a 7-9 they also answer, but their time inside is still overwhelming them, making them distant and their answers short and muddled.

  35. man I am not good at self editting. my first draft of this came in at over 500 words. ahh well improvement is a gradual slope.

    King Lomattion returned from war to find his family murdered. His wizard enchanted a painting of the sunny fields by the castle, such that a viewer might enter it, and picnic with those painted in the scene, including the dead royals, in the hopes this would lessen his lords grief.

    But the crown prince, barely twelve years old, had been the one who killed his family, himself dying accidently while the guard tried to apprehend him. They concocted a story of a shadowy assassin to preserve the family’s reputation, but when something began attacking guests in the painting, the guards were forced to admit the truth- the boys twisted soul was echoed by his duplicate. Somehow he had drawn upon the kings fears of the shadowy assassin, being able to shroud himself with shadows, and crawl along walls. The king had to witness the death of his family, before dying himself.

    The painting, entitled “Summer’s Day” has passed through many owners since then. One has only to touch it and wish to enter to be drawn inside. On the inside there is a canvas and easel where the artist stood which guests can use to leave. It seems a pleasant place on first visit, and adventurers might think it wonderful to be able to carry with them a safe place to make camp when needed. But after a few nights the child who creeps and crawls will begin to hunt them, hiding away the blank canvas to prevent escape.

  36. man I am not good at self editting. my first draft of this came in at over 500 words. ahh well improvement is a gradual slope.

    King Lomattion returned from war to find his family murdered. His wizard enchanted a painting of the sunny fields by the castle, such that a viewer might enter it, and picnic with those painted in the scene, including the dead royals, in the hopes this would lessen his lords grief.

    But the crown prince, barely twelve years old, had been the one who killed his family, himself dying accidently while the guard tried to apprehend him. They concocted a story of a shadowy assassin to preserve the family’s reputation, but when something began attacking guests in the painting, the guards were forced to admit the truth- the boys twisted soul was echoed by his duplicate. Somehow he had drawn upon the kings fears of the shadowy assassin, being able to shroud himself with shadows, and crawl along walls. The king had to witness the death of his family, before dying himself.

    The painting, entitled “Summer’s Day” has passed through many owners since then. One has only to touch it and wish to enter to be drawn inside. On the inside there is a canvas and easel where the artist stood which guests can use to leave. It seems a pleasant place on first visit, and adventurers might think it wonderful to be able to carry with them a safe place to make camp when needed. But after a few nights the child who creeps and crawls will begin to hunt them, hiding away the blank canvas to prevent escape.

  37. “Live by the sword and die by our bludgeons!”

    Swords lead to naught but evil, according to the strange cultists called the bludgeons of ecstasy. They cite lists of demonic and cursed blades, the many wars fought with blades and other such “proof” as evidence for their belief. Cells of the bludgeons stalk famous blade wielders swarming them when they appear to be at a weak or unguarded moment.

    Bludgeons of Ecstasy

    Horde, Organized, Intelligent,

    Bludgeons (d4 + 2 damage); 7HP; 0 armor;

    Close, Forceful, Near

    Instinct: to destroy all swords


    • smash the swords from their hands

    • return with greater numbers

  38. “Live by the sword and die by our bludgeons!”

    Swords lead to naught but evil, according to the strange cultists called the bludgeons of ecstasy. They cite lists of demonic and cursed blades, the many wars fought with blades and other such “proof” as evidence for their belief. Cells of the bludgeons stalk famous blade wielders swarming them when they appear to be at a weak or unguarded moment.

    Bludgeons of Ecstasy

    Horde, Organized, Intelligent,

    Bludgeons (d4 + 2 damage); 7HP; 0 armor;

    Close, Forceful, Near

    Instinct: to destroy all swords


    • smash the swords from their hands

    • return with greater numbers

  39. Keeper of the World’s Teeth

    World Tooth

    Ask any misfortunate soul and they will tell you the world has teeth. They do not lie. What only some scholars and a few drunkards know is that the world has real, physical teeth. These teeth can take any form but their effect is always the same.

    World Tooth: 0-1 weight A world tooth is never larger than a loaf of bread or smaller than a decent throwing stone. Otherwise they all look different and can be any mundane or elaborate item you choose. When you move with intent and sink one into a person it passes painlessly and unnoticeably into their body. The victim will find that all their endeavors fail, that fate is bent against them, and that nothing can bring them joy.

    Removing a world tooth requires a ritual to discover its presence and a skilled temporal surgeon to remove it.

  40. Keeper of the World’s Teeth

    World Tooth

    Ask any misfortunate soul and they will tell you the world has teeth. They do not lie. What only some scholars and a few drunkards know is that the world has real, physical teeth. These teeth can take any form but their effect is always the same.

    World Tooth: 0-1 weight A world tooth is never larger than a loaf of bread or smaller than a decent throwing stone. Otherwise they all look different and can be any mundane or elaborate item you choose. When you move with intent and sink one into a person it passes painlessly and unnoticeably into their body. The victim will find that all their endeavors fail, that fate is bent against them, and that nothing can bring them joy.

    Removing a world tooth requires a ritual to discover its presence and a skilled temporal surgeon to remove it.

  41. Keeper of the Knight of Mums (Oh! That’s me!)

    Knight of Mums

    On the morning of the third week, after the first leaves turn, the people of the eastern valley hold the harvest of the mums. The bright, rainbow colored flowers are gathered in large canvas bags and brought to the festival scaffold. There, the spry and able ascend and descend the wire knight form on patterned silks, weaving flowers as they go. When the light wanes the evenings drinking of mead and other honeyed liquors begin. When, at last, the valley people retire for the evening the Knight of Mums awakens.

    Until the first snowfall, this un-sleeping golem can not die and protects the valley from all who would come to take the final harvests. The same wire lattice is used each year.

    Knight of Mums

    Solitary, Huge, Construct, Magical

    Honeyed Blade d10+3 reach, forceful

    20 HP 4 Armor

    Instinct: To Protect the Innocent

    – Produce a cloud of choking pollen

    – Heal or re-animate through water and sun

    – Shape and twist the wind

  42. Keeper of the Knight of Mums (Oh! That’s me!)

    Knight of Mums

    On the morning of the third week, after the first leaves turn, the people of the eastern valley hold the harvest of the mums. The bright, rainbow colored flowers are gathered in large canvas bags and brought to the festival scaffold. There, the spry and able ascend and descend the wire knight form on patterned silks, weaving flowers as they go. When the light wanes the evenings drinking of mead and other honeyed liquors begin. When, at last, the valley people retire for the evening the Knight of Mums awakens.

    Until the first snowfall, this un-sleeping golem can not die and protects the valley from all who would come to take the final harvests. The same wire lattice is used each year.

    Knight of Mums

    Solitary, Huge, Construct, Magical

    Honeyed Blade d10+3 reach, forceful

    20 HP 4 Armor

    Instinct: To Protect the Innocent

    – Produce a cloud of choking pollen

    – Heal or re-animate through water and sun

    – Shape and twist the wind

  43. Keeper of the Hymnal of St. Evelyn the White

    St. Evelyn lived ages ago and had an affinity for music. When you die with her hymnal in your possession then you appear at the White Gate of St. Evelyn’s Kingdom. Then roll + nothing (Bards roll minus 1).

    10+: St. Evelyn allows you to remain or return. But she keeps her hymnal.

    7 – 9: You remain in St. Evelyn’s Kingdom for 100 years joining her choir and singing hymns and praising her. Day after day after day. Afterwords the GM will tell you when and where you return in the world. You are left with psychological scars however. Anytime you hear music and singing you receive the Shaky debility.

    6-: You remain in St. Evelyn’s Kingdom for 100 years spending each day writing lyrics of her virtues so everyone there can sing her praises day after day. You eventually realize that the music in St. Evelyn’ Kingdom is imbued with magic and you can compose a song allowing escape from this musical Groundhog Day hell. Write lyrics for your escape song. When the GM is happy with your lyrics then he/she will tell you when and where you return in the world. You are left with psychological scars however. No longer can you be healed by a bard’s performance, halfling’s singing by the campfire or any type of music.

  44. Keeper of the Hymnal of St. Evelyn the White

    St. Evelyn lived ages ago and had an affinity for music. When you die with her hymnal in your possession then you appear at the White Gate of St. Evelyn’s Kingdom. Then roll + nothing (Bards roll minus 1).

    10+: St. Evelyn allows you to remain or return. But she keeps her hymnal.

    7 – 9: You remain in St. Evelyn’s Kingdom for 100 years joining her choir and singing hymns and praising her. Day after day after day. Afterwords the GM will tell you when and where you return in the world. You are left with psychological scars however. Anytime you hear music and singing you receive the Shaky debility.

    6-: You remain in St. Evelyn’s Kingdom for 100 years spending each day writing lyrics of her virtues so everyone there can sing her praises day after day. You eventually realize that the music in St. Evelyn’ Kingdom is imbued with magic and you can compose a song allowing escape from this musical Groundhog Day hell. Write lyrics for your escape song. When the GM is happy with your lyrics then he/she will tell you when and where you return in the world. You are left with psychological scars however. No longer can you be healed by a bard’s performance, halfling’s singing by the campfire or any type of music.

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