I recently ran three sessions called “World of Dungeons: Into the Fire,” part of my new Wednesday Time Machine…

I recently ran three sessions called “World of Dungeons: Into the Fire,” part of my new Wednesday Time Machine…

I recently ran three sessions called “World of Dungeons: Into the Fire,” part of my new Wednesday Time Machine signature series on Gauntlet Hangouts. The idea was to run through one of the adventures in the very first issue of Dungeon Magazine using World of Dungeons. We ended up enjoying these sessions so much, we have actually extended the series for two more sessions in December (off-calendar).

The videos to these first three sessions are linked below. Here are a few reasons why you might be interested in checking them out:

1) This is really terrific WoDu play. Lately, a lot of people have been asking me about how I run WoDu (a result of Fear of a Black Dragon, no doubt), and this is a pretty terrific example of how I use the system.

2) The story is just really fucking good. We started with the module as our foundation, but using establishing questions and a whole lot of collaborative fiction, we ended up with something far more interesting. It starts off with the basic “getting to know you/traveling through the wilderness” stuff that most of my adventures start with, but once we get to Fort Silam, it becomes this dark, fascinating tale about nightmares and regret.

3) The players here do a great job extrapolating out from the simple character classes in WoDu. One of the things I love about the game is that because it has such a sturdy mechanical foundation, you can build all kinds of custom stuff on top of it, and many of the players really embrace that aspect of the game to make their characters unique.

4) I manage to claim a few tears for my collection! I have lately been really interested in emotional play, and getting the players misty-eyed in the middle of the session is a major priority. We get a lot of emotion around the middle of the third session (which was probably one of my favorite sessions this year).

Session 1 is linked below.

Session 2


Session 3


Thanks to the players for bringing it: Jennifer Erixon Fraser Simons Kyle Hodnett and Matthew Doughty.


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