GAUNTLET 119: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan

GAUNTLET 119: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan

GAUNTLET 119: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan

Episode 119 of the Gauntlet Podcast is up for your listening pleasure! In this one I talk with Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan about Cthulhu City, his approach to writing, and his voluminous output. Gareth’s one of the most productive and interesting creators in the industry. I mean, seriously. Check out this summary of books he’s worked on from RPG Geek: It includes sourcebooks, modules, adventure collections, and megadungeons. They list him at just shy of 200 releases and I’m pretty sure that’s incomplete.

Gareth delivers evocative ideas and amazing set-ups. He works on the trad side, but his rich concepts and plots can easily adapt to indie and story games.

Podcast Link:

More about Cthulhu City:

His RPG Geek Listing:

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