6 thoughts on “Hi everyone!”

  1. I love the story you guys are shaping here. I just have to say the audio mix seems off. In early episodes, it was the bed of sound effects getting in the way, now that seems fixed but this time Rob’s audio was quite a but louder than Oli’s. I only bring this up because I listen while driving and I find myself constantly adjusting the volume just to hear him.

    All that aside, great work, and I can’t wait to hear the next one. Please keep ‘em coming!

  2. I love the story you guys are shaping here. I just have to say the audio mix seems off. In early episodes, it was the bed of sound effects getting in the way, now that seems fixed but this time Rob’s audio was quite a but louder than Oli’s. I only bring this up because I listen while driving and I find myself constantly adjusting the volume just to hear him.

    All that aside, great work, and I can’t wait to hear the next one. Please keep ‘em coming!

  3. Michael Moch

    Hi Michael.

    Sincere thanks for feedback. The sound / volume issue is 100% my fault. Oli Jeffery raises it most every time I send him a rough cut and he (and you) are quite right. My editing software is pretty basic and my own experience begins and ends with Alford Soultaker but I’ll put more time into figuring it out for Episode X, which I am finalising now.

    I’m really pleased you like it*; I’m really enjoying putting this together with Oli so hopefully we’ll get better and better at it.



    * = like, silly pleased.

  4. Michael Moch

    Hi Michael.

    Sincere thanks for feedback. The sound / volume issue is 100% my fault. Oli Jeffery raises it most every time I send him a rough cut and he (and you) are quite right. My editing software is pretty basic and my own experience begins and ends with Alford Soultaker but I’ll put more time into figuring it out for Episode X, which I am finalising now.

    I’m really pleased you like it*; I’m really enjoying putting this together with Oli so hopefully we’ll get better and better at it.



    * = like, silly pleased.

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