awesome contest!

awesome contest!

awesome contest!

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

Keepers of the Gauntlet Writing Contest!

I am delighted to announce Codex will be hosting a writing contest called “Keepers of the Gauntlet.”

​New supporters of the Gauntlet Patreon get a fun, evocative title, such as “Keeper of the Unsolvable Riddle” or “Keeper of the Six-Tailed Dog Beasts.” For this contest you will choose one of those Keeper titles and write a Dungeon World starter or OSR scenario inspired by it or that references it in some way. Anyone can participate, Patrons and non-Patrons alike. If you’re a Patron, you do not have to use your own Keeper title for your scenario.

The deadline for submissions is October 16th at 11:59 PM EDT. The winner and runner(s)-up will be announced during Gauntlet Con.

To check out the prizes and submission guidelines, follow the link below!

If you have any questions, you can post them in this thread.