A short description of the Swedish rpg Oktoberlandet (The October Realm). If someone is interested…

A short description of the Swedish rpg Oktoberlandet (The October Realm). If someone is interested…

A short description of the Swedish rpg Oktoberlandet (The October Realm). If someone is interested…

The second edition of Oktoberlandet was published by Fria Ligan (Free League) last fall. It is a Fate based system.

The game is described as magical steampunk in the realm of the Tsar and has many similarities to Russia in the early 1900 hundreds.

The game book is hardbound with cloth and has a very stylish front in the futurism style.

There are a couple of things I particularly like about the game. The first is that the game list a couple of hundred aspects and several stunts is defined for each skill. This is good as it sets the tone of the game and gives the players a lot of inspiration on how aspects can be defined (many players have a hard time coming up with aspects in Fate games).

Secondly I really like that all background material is written as fiction or as “authentic” documents. And the game designer urges us to interpret the texts. There are no right or wrong way to do that. It is up to your game group to define what is really true and what is false.

There are no humans in the world of Oktoberlandet. All characters are a kind of a fey creature. And it is a very hierarchical society. All feys are not equal. So there are plenty of room to play on political conflicts.

The book also contains a 40-page adventure called “The voice of the Tsar”.

I really like this fascinating game.

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