Worlds in Peril Conditions Hack

Worlds in Peril Conditions Hack

Worlds in Peril Conditions Hack

Worlds in Peril Conditions were very awkward for me. I found it difficult to try to come up with unique tags for every bit of damage that fit into the Minor, Moderate, and Critical categories. I didn’t like that the severity of the condition applied to PCs was solely determined by my (as a GM/ EIC) interpretation of the fiction. Most of all PC’s had to spend choices from their roll with the Take Down move to increase the severity of the conditions, but, other than my narration, there was no difference in a Minor and Critical Condition effects on a villian. It seemed awkward and didn’t really add to the fiction of our game.

But I always liked the Cortex Plus Marvel games stress tracks so here is my first stab at adding them to Worlds in Peril as well my attempt at modding the moves to cover the change.

I’m pretty new to writing PbtA moves, so feedback is definitely welcome.

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