History of Cyberpunk RPGs: Part III 1995-2003

History of Cyberpunk RPGs: Part III 1995-2003

History of Cyberpunk RPGs: Part III 1995-2003

I love the OGL Cybernet cover on the list because I imagine they’re taking a selfie and the two in back are competing to see who can look more glam.

Once again we return to the wild world of cyberpunk. But as you’ll see, these are leaner times. Our list is filled with oddballs, awesomesauce, and “cyberpunk-adjacent” rpgs. It also signals our entry into the d20 era, always a danger zone for these lists.

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12 thoughts on “History of Cyberpunk RPGs: Part III 1995-2003”

  1. Lowell Francis

    Chi-Chian the Roleplaying Game

    I had an ebay thing where I’d look up weird and obscure RPG and get them because I lived in Northern Ontario and the local store was kind of a crapshoot so I would be like “What weird things are online”

    I got it for like 2 bucks.


    Because I was big into free RPGs when I was in highschool. Like I remember Fate of the Norns and Puppetland when they were doc files on a geocities site aggregate site.

    1994 was when I first started doing that (I was 14 at the time) and I totally remember this game. I had saved it as a text file on a 3.5 floppy.

    Bubblegum Crisis

    This was actually one of the first RPGs I bought myself. I had loved the anime so much that when I saw it, I was like “MUST GET!” One of my first campaigns was an AD Police recruit game. It didn’t hurt that I was a mark for R. Talsorian stuff …

  2. Lowell Francis

    Chi-Chian the Roleplaying Game

    I had an ebay thing where I’d look up weird and obscure RPG and get them because I lived in Northern Ontario and the local store was kind of a crapshoot so I would be like “What weird things are online”

    I got it for like 2 bucks.


    Because I was big into free RPGs when I was in highschool. Like I remember Fate of the Norns and Puppetland when they were doc files on a geocities site aggregate site.

    1994 was when I first started doing that (I was 14 at the time) and I totally remember this game. I had saved it as a text file on a 3.5 floppy.

    Bubblegum Crisis

    This was actually one of the first RPGs I bought myself. I had loved the anime so much that when I saw it, I was like “MUST GET!” One of my first campaigns was an AD Police recruit game. It didn’t hurt that I was a mark for R. Talsorian stuff …

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