Grin Devil

Grin Devil

Grin Devil

Type: Monkey [not native]

Size: Equivalent to that of a seven year-old human.

Physical traits: Body; potbellied. Limbs; skinny. Head; large – somewhat human-like with an oversized mouth. Skin; hairless, pale and very wrinkled. (By some standards their big smiles and wrinkled pot bellies made them look cute)

Diet: Carnivorous – usually bugs and rodents but also larger prey when opportunity strikes.

Habitat: As these animals are rare and not native, they may be found anywhere that isn’t overly frequented by humans (often around old ruins that are believed to be haunted)

Abilities: Impressive vocal abilities. Can imitate most animals – while it can’t replicate spoken words it can imitate the tone and pace of sentences.

Temperament: Inherently deceptive. Usually placid but may go berserk.

Behaviour: Usually solitary. Often imitates and plays with animals to engage their curiosity – particularly other primates (humans) and birds. This is both a habit it does out of boredom and a hunting technique. May attack new friends at any moment.

Notes: These dangerous monkeys escaped from a travelling menagerie many years ago, this event was something of a terrifying bloodbath but these days has all but been forgotten. Since then they have made a home on the outskirts of society eating bugs, rodents and stupid adventurers. The name grin devil is often used by elderly people for badly behaved children.

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