18 thoughts on “The Sword, The Crown and the Unspeakable Power is finally Kickstarting!”

  1. Deleted my last comment because it made it sound like I was de-valuing +1 Forward (which, obviously, I wouldn’t intentionally do). What I meant to convey is they are going to do fine regardless, so as not to suggest it was some sort of mistake not to get in touch.

  2. Deleted my last comment because it made it sound like I was de-valuing +1 Forward (which, obviously, I wouldn’t intentionally do). What I meant to convey is they are going to do fine regardless, so as not to suggest it was some sort of mistake not to get in touch.

  3. Being a long time Jank Fan and hearing about this over the course of time I’m very excited to see where it goes. If you want to hit up the Misdirected Mark network to talk about it in the next couple of weeks I’d love to chat.

  4. Being a long time Jank Fan and hearing about this over the course of time I’m very excited to see where it goes. If you want to hit up the Misdirected Mark network to talk about it in the next couple of weeks I’d love to chat.

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