The Legacy Weapon is released into the world!

The Legacy Weapon is released into the world!

The Legacy Weapon is released into the world! I got a chance to playtest this with Phil Vecchione and Senda Linaugh at Dreamation 2017, and if you guys had been there, you would know how utterly delightful I think it is. Seriously, I had a huge grin on my face the whole time. I talked about it on the last episode of Discern Realities (Episode 41), but here’s the short version: it’s a supplement for Dungeon World that facilitates play between the GM and one player, and it does so in a really fun, elegant way.

To unpack it a little, you create a character as normal, but then follow a specific procedure to create the legacy weapon, which the character has just acquired. The legacy weapon has a history of its own, and its previous wielders give it certain powers and characteristics. As you play out the adventure, you don’t just learn the character’s story, but also the stories of the previous wielders of the weapon. It is very, very cool, and I can’t recommend it enough (and it even comes with a sample adventure!)

Here’s the Drivethru link. It’s a fucking steal at $2.95.–A-Dungeon-World-Artifact-and-One-Shot?

22 thoughts on “The Legacy Weapon is released into the world!”

  1. It’s a packed 11 though. the layout is fantastic – clean, neat, fits well in the DW aesthetic. And that’s 11 full-size, not digest pages.

  2. It’s a packed 11 though. the layout is fantastic – clean, neat, fits well in the DW aesthetic. And that’s 11 full-size, not digest pages.

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