What is everyone playing this weekend?

What is everyone playing this weekend?

What is everyone playing this weekend?

I’ll be in games of Monsterhearts 2, World Wide Wrestling, and Lovecraftesque.

I’ll also be recording Comic Strip sessions of Dungeon World and Monster of the Week.

How about you?

98 thoughts on “What is everyone playing this weekend?”

  1. Board Game Night tonight!

    Running Spirit of 77 tomorrow for SMC

    Recording Comic Strip AP tomorrow night

    Running something PBtA for Intercontinental Group of Awesome Sunday.

    Taking the wife to see Rogue One (her first time, my second) Sunday night!

  2. Board Game Night tonight!

    Running Spirit of 77 tomorrow for SMC

    Recording Comic Strip AP tomorrow night

    Running something PBtA for Intercontinental Group of Awesome Sunday.

    Taking the wife to see Rogue One (her first time, my second) Sunday night!

  3. I’m running the first session of Masks for some folks online. Already did character creation, but it took longer than expected, so we’re kicking the campaign off proper on Sunday night. πŸ™‚

  4. I’m running the first session of Masks for some folks online. Already did character creation, but it took longer than expected, so we’re kicking the campaign off proper on Sunday night. πŸ™‚

  5. Moe Tousignant​ Run while you are still free of the siren’s call of gaming! The Gauntlet Maelstrom of Games will pull you in with its sweet embrace, numbing you from the cares of the material plane with its vivid heroics, grim horrors, and blue humor. And it will never be enough…

    –Keeper of the Tainted Feast

  6. Moe Tousignant​ Run while you are still free of the siren’s call of gaming! The Gauntlet Maelstrom of Games will pull you in with its sweet embrace, numbing you from the cares of the material plane with its vivid heroics, grim horrors, and blue humor. And it will never be enough…

    –Keeper of the Tainted Feast

  7. To the movies to see Lego Batman with my daughter. πŸ™‚

    Edit: more Rpg related I’m getting all of my handouts ready for the 4 games (Dungeon Worldx2 and The Sprawlx2) I’m going to run at a local Con next weekend.

  8. To the movies to see Lego Batman with my daughter. πŸ™‚

    Edit: more Rpg related I’m getting all of my handouts ready for the 4 games (Dungeon Worldx2 and The Sprawlx2) I’m going to run at a local Con next weekend.

  9. Spirit of 77 on Satuday and Follow on Sunday. Both via Hangout. With my son I’m most likely playing textile factory and geologists while cleaning the house and while hiking a bit respectively.

  10. Spirit of 77 on Satuday and Follow on Sunday. Both via Hangout. With my son I’m most likely playing textile factory and geologists while cleaning the house and while hiking a bit respectively.

  11. I’m running D&D 5e on Saturday night, Masks on Sunday night, and I’m currently in the middle of a 2 player game of A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future that I’m playing on OKCupid :3

  12. I’m running D&D 5e on Saturday night, Masks on Sunday night, and I’m currently in the middle of a 2 player game of A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future that I’m playing on OKCupid :3

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