On Gauntlet Episode 86 I mentioned that I used to play FFG’s SWRPG system with my boys when they were 3-4.

On Gauntlet Episode 86 I mentioned that I used to play FFG’s SWRPG system with my boys when they were 3-4.

On Gauntlet Episode 86 I mentioned that I used to play FFG’s SWRPG system with my boys when they were 3-4. Listening to the episode reminded me that I actually recorded, edited, and subtitled some of those sessions in a now abandoned attempt at an actual play series. Here is the link to Session 1 in case some of you might find it entertaining. Subtitles are fairly mandatory, and are only visible in Session 1 if watched on a computer.

They play as clone troopers who survived Order 66, and generally just want to jump over things and “pew them.”
