Just for fun because it’s been a bit quiet here recently:

Just for fun because it’s been a bit quiet here recently:

Just for fun because it’s been a bit quiet here recently:

What’s you’re favorite roleplaying genre? Fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk, post apocalyptic… let’s do a Gauntlet census! 😆

44 thoughts on “Just for fun because it’s been a bit quiet here recently:”

  1. For me it’s fantasy. I will try different stuff and enjoy reading books in different genres of setting but I always get drawn back to fantasy even if it’s full of clichés. I think it’s the magic that makes it for me. Knowing anything is possible because of it. It easier for me to imagine stories knowing I can rely on it to explain weird stuff happening. In a way it’s a lazy mindset but I don’t mind. Plus I’m not a very politically inclined person so settings with a lot of boardroom intrigue and backstabbing are hard for me to pull off as a MC/GM.

  2. For me it’s fantasy. I will try different stuff and enjoy reading books in different genres of setting but I always get drawn back to fantasy even if it’s full of clichés. I think it’s the magic that makes it for me. Knowing anything is possible because of it. It easier for me to imagine stories knowing I can rely on it to explain weird stuff happening. In a way it’s a lazy mindset but I don’t mind. Plus I’m not a very politically inclined person so settings with a lot of boardroom intrigue and backstabbing are hard for me to pull off as a MC/GM.

  3. River Williamson​ I was really into Heavy Gear back in the 90s. That setting was amazingly detailed. Sadly they went the way of skirmish miniatures games and let the rpg side of it slowly die away. Guess they figured there was more money to make with figurines…

  4. River Williamson​ I was really into Heavy Gear back in the 90s. That setting was amazingly detailed. Sadly they went the way of skirmish miniatures games and let the rpg side of it slowly die away. Guess they figured there was more money to make with figurines…

  5. I don’t think I have a favorite: just as long as the emphasis is on having fun, role-playing (not roll-playing), and telling a dramatic, on-screen story.

    Saying that, I really want to find acting classes to step up my game. Playing with the Gauntleteers definitely makes you want to bring your best to the table!

  6. I don’t think I have a favorite: just as long as the emphasis is on having fun, role-playing (not roll-playing), and telling a dramatic, on-screen story.

    Saying that, I really want to find acting classes to step up my game. Playing with the Gauntleteers definitely makes you want to bring your best to the table!

  7. Maxime Lacoste​​ River Williamson​ Man, I loved Heavy Gear and Jovian Chronicles too, but the DP9 game that really got me was Tribe 8. Somebody suggested to look at it for ideas on making demons for Fading Suns terrifying, but once I got there I was hooked. In any case, I really liked the system for mecha – way simpler than Battletech, which was my point of comparison at the time. And I loved their storyline books too.

  8. Maxime Lacoste​​ River Williamson​ Man, I loved Heavy Gear and Jovian Chronicles too, but the DP9 game that really got me was Tribe 8. Somebody suggested to look at it for ideas on making demons for Fading Suns terrifying, but once I got there I was hooked. In any case, I really liked the system for mecha – way simpler than Battletech, which was my point of comparison at the time. And I loved their storyline books too.

  9. Matt Stuart I seem to make everything I play in take a turn into grimdark. Perish the thought that we should play in the same game! Or it could be wicked brilliant…

  10. Matt Stuart I seem to make everything I play in take a turn into grimdark. Perish the thought that we should play in the same game! Or it could be wicked brilliant…

  11. I tried to keep it simple but in truth most of my favorite rpg blur the lines in term of genre.

    Ravenloft and Earthdawn pop to mind. Spelljammer was interesting to. Yes yes I discovered rpgs in the 90s and it shows. 😉

  12. I tried to keep it simple but in truth most of my favorite rpg blur the lines in term of genre.

    Ravenloft and Earthdawn pop to mind. Spelljammer was interesting to. Yes yes I discovered rpgs in the 90s and it shows. 😉

  13. BeePeeGee RPG​​ Yessss! Harry Copperfield Dresden!! Can’t wait for the next book “Peace Talk”. Jim Butcher as been taking notes from JRR Martin it would seem. This book is taking forever to finish…

  14. BeePeeGee RPG​​ Yessss! Harry Copperfield Dresden!! Can’t wait for the next book “Peace Talk”. Jim Butcher as been taking notes from JRR Martin it would seem. This book is taking forever to finish…

  15. I’m probably in the minority, but my favorite genre is pretty much all of those things smashed together except for cyberpunk. The game I run is primarily fantasy based, until you realize that in addition to dinosaur-riding savages and mind-controlling wizards, robots and aliens are roaming a post apocalyptic fantasy landscape dominated by horrors from between space and beyond the stars.

  16. I’m probably in the minority, but my favorite genre is pretty much all of those things smashed together except for cyberpunk. The game I run is primarily fantasy based, until you realize that in addition to dinosaur-riding savages and mind-controlling wizards, robots and aliens are roaming a post apocalyptic fantasy landscape dominated by horrors from between space and beyond the stars.

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