Preparing for this weekend’s Session #2 of my Dungeon World campaign, I mapped out the party’s home base as they…

Preparing for this weekend’s Session #2 of my Dungeon World campaign, I mapped out the party’s home base as they…

Preparing for this weekend’s Session #2 of my Dungeon World campaign, I mapped out the party’s home base as they are currently in route there. the small Farming Village of Torblin is a sleeping little hamlet about four days ride from the Party’s current position, they will pass the Logging Camp and the Town of Soloston before arriving back at the village.

a majority of the map was constructed from Gabriel Pickard’s “Village to Pillage product on Roll20’s marketplace. with a number of my-own hand-drawn features ( such as the pond )

The Logging Camp images was put together from several different graphics packs from Roll20, primarily David Hemenway’s Forest Campsite and Cabriel Pikard’s Town Fortifications Additon

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