WiP is on drivethru now, and apparently all printed stuff on drivethru is going up 10% so I might have to pick up…

WiP is on drivethru now, and apparently all printed stuff on drivethru is going up 10% so I might have to pick up…

WiP is on drivethru now, and apparently all printed stuff on drivethru is going up 10% so I might have to pick up some stuff before that.

Originally shared by Adam Bosarge

The POD Awakens!

We are excited to announce that Worlds in Peril is now available for Print on Demand via Drivethru RPG!

There are 2 versions available to you: the Standard Version (on the left) for $24.99, and the Premium (on the right) for $39.99. Both look amazing, but the colors really pop in the premium version.

You may want to get yours soon because DTRPG is raising their POD prices by 10% on Nov. 1st. If you have any questions ask away and Kyle or I will do our best to answer them! We thank you for your continued support! Game On!


12 thoughts on “WiP is on drivethru now, and apparently all printed stuff on drivethru is going up 10% so I might have to pick up…”

  1. That could be or they are just passing increased costs along.

    I have more than a few PoD books through them and in most cases the premium is the way to go when it’s available for the books you want. The only thing I don’t like is the packaging used. It seems to roll edges of books in shipment about 40% of the time.

  2. That could be or they are just passing increased costs along.

    I have more than a few PoD books through them and in most cases the premium is the way to go when it’s available for the books you want. The only thing I don’t like is the packaging used. It seems to roll edges of books in shipment about 40% of the time.

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