Got to play City of Mist run by Lowell Francis and it was pretty dang fun.

Got to play City of Mist run by Lowell Francis and it was pretty dang fun.

Got to play City of Mist run by Lowell Francis and it was pretty dang fun. Victor Wyatt and David LaFreniere and Jason Cox are along for the ride, always a pleasure fellas!

System and mechanics wise, it sure is doing a lot of stuff though, and a ton of basic moves to boot. We will see what everyone thinks next session.

I played a ninja type character and I have loved Saga since it came out so am trying to channel Gwendolyn for my archetype. I’m a teenager in high school hiding the fact that I’m not of this earth, and I’m in love with a boy, and oh yeah, fight crime at night. It’ll be finnnne.

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