If you like the RPG Masks, and you like reading fiction, I have to direct your attention to this online novel called…

If you like the RPG Masks, and you like reading fiction, I have to direct your attention to this online novel called…

If you like the RPG Masks, and you like reading fiction, I have to direct your attention to this online novel called Worm. Well, it’s more like 10 novels, clocking in at 1.7 million words (Song of Ice and Fire to date is 1.7 million words). It’s complete, and it’s so so good.

It’s got teenage superheroes, end of the world, violence, gore, angst, and even a bit of romance here and there. It has parallels to Harry Potter, in that the protagonist eschews typical authority figures instead choosing loyalty to her friends and family, regardless of “good” or “villain” labels applied.

Oh yeah, and a lot of hard moral and ethical choices are given to the protagonist, and she frequently rolls 7-9 (not literally).

So far (I’m on chapter 22 of 30), it is very internally consistent – which appeals the old-school continuity geek in me. Note, author wrote 1.7 million words in about a year and a half. Take that GRRM…

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED – especially if you hate sleep and love to stay up late reading.


8 thoughts on “If you like the RPG Masks, and you like reading fiction, I have to direct your attention to this online novel called…”

  1. I started reading it a couple of times and couldn’t really get into it, but that was before I got into Masks. Maybe that lens is precisely what I need!

  2. I started reading it a couple of times and couldn’t really get into it, but that was before I got into Masks. Maybe that lens is precisely what I need!

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