I’m considering offering to run Five Fires, a hip hop RPG by Quinn Murphy for my November games as part of Gauntlet…

I’m considering offering to run Five Fires, a hip hop RPG by Quinn Murphy for my November games as part of Gauntlet…

I’m considering offering to run Five Fires, a hip hop RPG by Quinn Murphy for my November games as part of Gauntlet City Limits.

I’m checking here for interest first because I want to make sure the game has enough players before I carve out some time to read it through and run it. This is me selling you on the game, people. I want to make this happen.

(this is also me worried about people not “getting it” when I post it up on Meetup and it doesn’t happen, which would make me pretty bummed).


I’ve been keenly interested in this game since I first heard about it. Here’s Quinn talking about it on his blog:



Check out this snippet:

“Five Fires is a roleplaying game where you play an artist in traditional hip hop culture, trying to express yourself in a city and world that has criminalized your expression.

The “fires” in the the name refer to the five elements of hip hop:

1. MCing

2. B-Boying (breakdancing)

3. DJing

4. Graffiti Writing

5. Knowledge, Culture, Overstanding

These are five variations of the creative “fire”, and thus where the game gets it name. You play a young artist who gets a chance to burn brightly….will you burn out or shine a light for others to see?”


Quinn’s interview with Dr Tom the Frog got me really excited about it.



The game’s in beta, and I’ve never played it or heard of anyone who has played it. I don’t know why it seems to have stalled, but I’m so thrilled with the goals and the heart of this game that I’m going to run it.

The question is, can I make it work in Gauntlet City Limits, or do I need to build a group to play it? I’m hoping for GCL to be the place where we make it happen.

Games would be Tuesdays, Nov 1st and 15th at 9:00 PM Eastern.

Who would play Five Fires with me?!?!

52 thoughts on “I’m considering offering to run Five Fires, a hip hop RPG by Quinn Murphy for my November games as part of Gauntlet…”

  1. YES! I would have already made a hip-hop game had I felt it would have been appropriate.

    Which is why I was sooo excited to hear about and want to play very badly, five fires and have Quinn on Patreon also eagerly awaiting updates for it. Totally down to play. I’d expect an update fairly soon to it as well, I believe he said he was working on it but was putting out Radio Kaiju first, which also looks cool. But hip-hop, especially early hip-hop is really great and the history there is incredible.

  2. YES! I would have already made a hip-hop game had I felt it would have been appropriate.

    Which is why I was sooo excited to hear about and want to play very badly, five fires and have Quinn on Patreon also eagerly awaiting updates for it. Totally down to play. I’d expect an update fairly soon to it as well, I believe he said he was working on it but was putting out Radio Kaiju first, which also looks cool. But hip-hop, especially early hip-hop is really great and the history there is incredible.

  3. Oh! Underworld is a social fiction framework/game that is roughly in the rogue-like genre (with a shared protagonist character and a bunch of really cool random tables). Once in back from Japan/Big Bad Con, I can try to add it to the Hangouts calendar.

  4. Oh! Underworld is a social fiction framework/game that is roughly in the rogue-like genre (with a shared protagonist character and a bunch of really cool random tables). Once in back from Japan/Big Bad Con, I can try to add it to the Hangouts calendar.

  5. If you need a newer version lmk as well, if you have the one from 2013, there’s been one released a few months back I’ve got as well that we could use. I’m already extremely excited…

  6. If you need a newer version lmk as well, if you have the one from 2013, there’s been one released a few months back I’ve got as well that we could use. I’m already extremely excited…

  7. Looks like last update was in May, I think. Yeah he confirmed but said there might be something newer in a week or two as well. So that’ll be cool if that happens!

  8. Looks like last update was in May, I think. Yeah he confirmed but said there might be something newer in a week or two as well. So that’ll be cool if that happens!

  9. Aaron Griffin join the waitlist if you can, people often forget they have other things and what not when the actual day comes up and when they leave you automatically get bumped up!

  10. Aaron Griffin join the waitlist if you can, people often forget they have other things and what not when the actual day comes up and when they leave you automatically get bumped up!

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