I’d like to add a section of advice to GMs on resolving 7-9 results to the World of Dungeons space opera hack I’m…

I’d like to add a section of advice to GMs on resolving 7-9 results to the World of Dungeons space opera hack I’m…

I’d like to add a section of advice to GMs on resolving 7-9 results to the World of Dungeons space opera hack I’m working on. This is a rough draft, but this is one of the things I struggle with. Any thoughts?

Resolving 7-9 Results: “A total of 7-9 is a partial success; you do it, but there’s some cost, compromise, retribution, minor harm, etc.” One of the challenges you face as GM is to resolve the frequent 7-9 partial success results. As a general matter, you will find this to be much easier if you make the risk absolutely clear before the roll. On a 7-9, the PC succeeds in accomplishing her goal, but it isn’t perfect. Here are some possible ways to address this result:

1) Announce a soft move as the cost of the success and allow the PC to decide whether it is worth it: “You can avoid the weapons fire, but only if you drift dangerously close to that anomaly. Do you do it?”

2) Ask the PC to describe the unintended consequences: “You repair the shield system, but your console starts flashing red. That can’t be good. What just happened?”

3) The clearly identified risk comes to pass, but it isn’t as bad as expected. “The group of aliens don’t seem fully convinced. They stop firing, but their weapons are still at the ready.”

4) They get some of what they want, but not all of it: “You definitely get some life signs, but you have no way of knowing how many.”

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