We played the conclusion of Jason Cordova​’s Death Frost Doom adaptation last night.

We played the conclusion of Jason Cordova​’s Death Frost Doom adaptation last night.

We played the conclusion of Jason Cordova​’s Death Frost Doom adaptation last night. Aniket Schneider​ played Halwyr, the wizard and Timothy Bennett​ played Taeros the druid.

My character–Siglind the cleric–came from an alternate timeline, swapped with my Immolator. She was a friend of Halwyr from her timeline, and they traveled to Death Frost Mountain to research it’s secrets. In the adventure, her version of Halwyr died in a zombie ambush. This turned out to be prophetic.

Through the course of the final session, Halwyr’s detached demeanor began to crack. He halted his experiments and started bonding with his companions.

When we faced down with the big bad, Halwyr performed a big ritual to negate the monster’s power. His rural saved the party, but caused him to blink out of existence.

I think the lesson here is “don’t mess with time magic.” At least don’t have dramatically dooming character growth in the same session.

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