Looking for three more hardy rogues for Dungeon World Mondays starting September 26th.

Looking for three more hardy rogues for Dungeon World Mondays starting September 26th.

Looking for three more hardy rogues for Dungeon World Mondays starting September 26th. The setting is still Conan style fantasy but the adventure starts in a new city and region. There are a lot of blanks on the map and I am hopping to discover a lot of interesting details from the players as we explore it together.

12 thoughts on “Looking for three more hardy rogues for Dungeon World Mondays starting September 26th.”

  1. This sounds awesome, but I am tied up until late October. If you have the chance, please post about your sessions as I (and I am sure others) learn so much from those types of reports.

  2. This sounds awesome, but I am tied up until late October. If you have the chance, please post about your sessions as I (and I am sure others) learn so much from those types of reports.

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