If anyone’s ever tried making random maps in photoshop (using fractal noise), this guy’s method is way more…

If anyone’s ever tried making random maps in photoshop (using fractal noise), this guy’s method is way more…

If anyone’s ever tried making random maps in photoshop (using fractal noise), this guy’s method is way more interesting and satisfying. I like the way the names hang together too, although they still don’t quite do it for me.


4 thoughts on “If anyone’s ever tried making random maps in photoshop (using fractal noise), this guy’s method is way more…”

  1. It’s really interesting. Since the code is on Github, I might hook it up with my name generation code when I do the wilderness maps upgrade to my procedural dungeon generator.

  2. It’s really interesting. Since the code is on Github, I might hook it up with my name generation code when I do the wilderness maps upgrade to my procedural dungeon generator.

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