The player Mitchell in this game is actually one of the GMs at a forum based site that runs my game in an Alternate…

The player Mitchell in this game is actually one of the GMs at a forum based site that runs my game in an Alternate…

The player Mitchell in this game is actually one of the GMs at a forum based site that runs my game in an Alternate setting (ironically enough, that alternate setting the supernatural is already public and has averted the bad news coming down the pipe for my canon by virtue of all the good guys already working together)

So I sometimes got caught up into my habit of answering his questions as per a developer answering an FAQ, (this happened a lot last week), but I tried to keep that down this time.

I hope I managed to do so and that Jason Cox  and Edward Hickcox didn’t feel too put out when I started ranging into deeper world stuff.

It was a fun game.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

So, due to technical issues, we got cut off and despite attempts to wrap it up afterwards we went another thirty to forty minutes. The general gist is a meeting involving the US Navy, Psyche and Hermes (representing Nirvana) with our heroes taken on as witnesses/experts as regards of trying to get out front of the “supernatural people exist” thing.

As one person said “Okay, we’ve got a plan to go public in maybe a year.”

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