So, I like creating little handouts and tools to make one-shots and such easier.

So, I like creating little handouts and tools to make one-shots and such easier.

So, I like creating little handouts and tools to make one-shots and such easier. For my Fallout Shelter game I had little 4×6″ index cards for area moves, so I could just slap them in the middle of the table for everyone to see, roll, decide on.

And to that end, I’ve been thinking about putting together little 3×5″ index cards with DW stuff, especially for con games / one shots / Games on Demand resources… check these out and let me know what you think. Wasn’t really for any sort of official distribution (as these aren’t my ideas!) but in case anyone else might find these useful.

The front has an image and known description, sometimes the name of the item (or maybe a mundane name of it). The back has the actual items name (if it has an official name) as well as the move and any hidden stuff. When used at a game, you could give the card, front side up, when they “take” the item, but only have them flip it when they “use” the item (in the appropriate way).

The bottom of the back side gives 3 credits: DW and authors, myself and website (in case someone doesn’t know where this came from), and the credit for the author of the item (e.g. the Gauntlet member or other person who put it together).


FYI Jason Cordova that’s why I was asking about the authors for the items… I found all these through the various forum posts though so that answered my questions.

12 thoughts on “So, I like creating little handouts and tools to make one-shots and such easier.”

  1. Neat! Yeah, when David and I ran the magic item contest, we were pretty naive about it. We had no idea anyone would actually want to look at all the entries together at some point, so we didn’t organize them for that purpose.

    This is a cool idea. Maybe we could do sheets of these in Codex at some point, with original art and stuff. Could be fun.

  2. Neat! Yeah, when David and I ran the magic item contest, we were pretty naive about it. We had no idea anyone would actually want to look at all the entries together at some point, so we didn’t organize them for that purpose.

    This is a cool idea. Maybe we could do sheets of these in Codex at some point, with original art and stuff. Could be fun.

  3. I am absolutely on board with anyone in the community using, tweaking and/or publishing my content provided my name is on there somewhere (which it is) and I get to hear how they turn out in their respective mediums. Nice work – these look great! 🙂

  4. I am absolutely on board with anyone in the community using, tweaking and/or publishing my content provided my name is on there somewhere (which it is) and I get to hear how they turn out in their respective mediums. Nice work – these look great! 🙂

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