32 thoughts on “Stranger Things is pretty great!”

  1. Stranger Things is supercalifragilistexpialidocious. Pings all of my “old dude” looking at an amped up version of the movies I loved when I wasn’t old, adds the X-Files triggers from slightly after that… here’s to Season Two!

  2. Stranger Things is supercalifragilistexpialidocious. Pings all of my “old dude” looking at an amped up version of the movies I loved when I wasn’t old, adds the X-Files triggers from slightly after that… here’s to Season Two!

  3. I’m on episode 5. I can only watch a few episodes at a time because it’s so intense. 🙂 I love it. But damn, if you have kids it’s scary as hell.

  4. I’m on episode 5. I can only watch a few episodes at a time because it’s so intense. 🙂 I love it. But damn, if you have kids it’s scary as hell.

  5. I think I’ve settled on it being The Goonies meets Akira meets The X-Files.  Finished it today, and really loved it.  Also, Rich talks about a game on Sunday’s podcast that sounds like it’s most of the way there.

  6. I think I’ve settled on it being The Goonies meets Akira meets The X-Files.  Finished it today, and really loved it.  Also, Rich talks about a game on Sunday’s podcast that sounds like it’s most of the way there.

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