I actually think I might start trying to set up one-shots or a campaign of some sort on the off-nights my brother…

I actually think I might start trying to set up one-shots or a campaign of some sort on the off-nights my brother…

I actually think I might start trying to set up one-shots or a campaign of some sort on the off-nights my brother has work…if I can get word of when he’s working or unavailable far enough in advance to tell people.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Went through the list of RPG books I have on hand either electronically or physically today. (Due to lack of physical space all but about 6 of these are electronic format) There’s actually a good 30-50 more that I didn’t include including almost all the Fate Worlds of Adventure up to now and Dresden Files, which somehow escaped me putting it up….huh.

This is mostly because I’m going to be getting asked “Do you have ___?” and “How many ______ do you have?” questions tomorrow in the 1st year JHS classes and I was asked to provide pictures.  And this is one of the categories I suggested for stuff I have.

10 thoughts on “I actually think I might start trying to set up one-shots or a campaign of some sort on the off-nights my brother…”

  1. I usually do my one-shots on G+ hangouts so I can record and add it to my YouTube.

    I live in rural Japan so all my gaming currently is online. My brother and a friend have a Saturday/Sunday game session we play (Saturday morning for them. Evening/Sunday morning for me).

    I’m running some short campaigns this August via the meetups if you’re interested. The Masks game is filled but the playtest for my PbtA hack has only one person and the two Divine Blood games (one using MotW instead of Fate) have no one yet.

  2. I usually do my one-shots on G+ hangouts so I can record and add it to my YouTube.

    I live in rural Japan so all my gaming currently is online. My brother and a friend have a Saturday/Sunday game session we play (Saturday morning for them. Evening/Sunday morning for me).

    I’m running some short campaigns this August via the meetups if you’re interested. The Masks game is filled but the playtest for my PbtA hack has only one person and the two Divine Blood games (one using MotW instead of Fate) have no one yet.

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