The gods show their displeasure by flooding Houston, home of Gauntlet Classic!

The gods show their displeasure by flooding Houston, home of Gauntlet Classic!

The gods show their displeasure by flooding Houston, home of Gauntlet Classic! In compensation, we have kidnapped Steve and forced him to play a deadly game of Robo Rally! Sadly, he was able to escape with a well timed distraction, and has escaped the flood in his ark, carrying two of every kind of game.

Thanks for Aaron Wilkinson who pulled an amazing last minute win, to Scott Owen and Kristen D for bringing an amazing dinner plan, and Steve Mains for helping organize a last minute game session!

8 thoughts on “The gods show their displeasure by flooding Houston, home of Gauntlet Classic!”

  1. I was so close to winning that I forgot I didn’t. 

    When the waters subside, my games will reemerge two by two, each pair accompanied by an expansion.

  2. I was so close to winning that I forgot I didn’t. 

    When the waters subside, my games will reemerge two by two, each pair accompanied by an expansion.

  3. Hey Steve Mains. Once you get settled in Austin, you should check out Board Game Bash that occurs in August. Jonathan Leistiko has been known to do a “Live Action Robo Rally.” Check it out!

  4. Hey Steve Mains. Once you get settled in Austin, you should check out Board Game Bash that occurs in August. Jonathan Leistiko has been known to do a “Live Action Robo Rally.” Check it out!

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