Robert Ruthven has done an excellent and thorough write-up of Gauntlet UK’s first event of the year, a two-part…

Robert Ruthven has done an excellent and thorough write-up of Gauntlet UK’s first event of the year, a two-part…

Robert Ruthven has done an excellent and thorough write-up of Gauntlet UK’s first event of the year, a two-part Dungeon World I ran for them. 

The link is to Part One. Be sure to find Part Two, as the finale of the adventure was quite dramatic! 

6 thoughts on “Robert Ruthven has done an excellent and thorough write-up of Gauntlet UK’s first event of the year, a two-part…”

  1. Nice write up Robert Ruthven​​ though it was actually brave Ibid who played the game with Urbina the vampiress. Fillion totally whimped out after he found out what would happen should he lose the game and coerced poor Ibid into the wager. Happy to take the credit though 😉. 

  2. Nice write up Robert Ruthven​​ though it was actually brave Ibid who played the game with Urbina the vampiress. Fillion totally whimped out after he found out what would happen should he lose the game and coerced poor Ibid into the wager. Happy to take the credit though 😉. 

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