Some quick notes on this weekend’s Gauntlet Hangouts games…

Some quick notes on this weekend’s Gauntlet Hangouts games…

Some quick notes on this weekend’s Gauntlet Hangouts games…

For Saturday Morning Cartoons, we played our first session of Marshall Miller’s The Warren. I was pretty happy with how it went. I tried to follow Marshall’s advice of incorporating details from all five senses into my descriptions of things, and I think it created the desired effect. The players did a really terrific job of infusing their bunnies with distinct personalities, and I think that’s what ultimately made the session for me. I just really enjoyed those rabbits, with all their hangups and flaws.

Daniel Lewis was out this week for Story Game Sunday, so I did the lazy shit I always do whenever that’s the case, and facilitated Fiasco. We did Joshua Fox’s House of Ill-Repute playset, which is about the seedier side of British politics. It took us a minute to get into the swing of things, but once we got going, we told a wickedly good story in the vein of House of Cards. Honestly, it made me want to learn more about UK politics so I can play again, but a little more ably. As it was, we were hand-waving a lot of the particulars. Still, it was good stuff. 

Thanks to all the players for joining in: Yoshi Creelman Paul Edson Rob Deobald Richard Rogers steven watkins David LaFreniere and Philipp Neitzel. 

10 thoughts on “Some quick notes on this weekend’s Gauntlet Hangouts games…”

  1. I didn’t attempt a British accent. I only do an accent if the other characters would hear it in real life. So, playing an educated Brit in a group of educated Brits? No accent. Playing a Brit in a group of Americans? Accent.

  2. I didn’t attempt a British accent. I only do an accent if the other characters would hear it in real life. So, playing an educated Brit in a group of educated Brits? No accent. Playing a Brit in a group of Americans? Accent.

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