32 thoughts on “What are some good 2 player games you can easily pick up?”

  1. Neuroshima Hex by Portal (Fantastic on Android or iPhone)

    Omens or Hemloch by Small Box Games

    Carcassonne (Fantastic on the iPhone)

    Elder Sign by Fantasy Flight Games

    Magic the Gathering is not too hard to learn the basics. And the various pre-built deck options are great at teaching.

  2. Neuroshima Hex by Portal (Fantastic on Android or iPhone)

    Omens or Hemloch by Small Box Games

    Carcassonne (Fantastic on the iPhone)

    Elder Sign by Fantasy Flight Games

    Magic the Gathering is not too hard to learn the basics. And the various pre-built deck options are great at teaching.

  3. Ferrell Riley If it’s going to be a gift, that’s a little trickier. I would definitely say Mars Colony or Sweet Agatha, but good luck finding either of those in a store. You may be able to order them online somewhere, depending on how quickly you need the gift, but there is the ever-present danger of “indie designer who never checks his email/fulfills orders.” 

  4. Ferrell Riley If it’s going to be a gift, that’s a little trickier. I would definitely say Mars Colony or Sweet Agatha, but good luck finding either of those in a store. You may be able to order them online somewhere, depending on how quickly you need the gift, but there is the ever-present danger of “indie designer who never checks his email/fulfills orders.” 

  5. Thanks Jason Cordova! I wrote it for the 200 Word Challenge that I mentioned. There are a lot of good games and I recommend you check out the other entries.

  6. Thanks Jason Cordova! I wrote it for the 200 Word Challenge that I mentioned. There are a lot of good games and I recommend you check out the other entries.

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