Here’s to the gamers who play!

Here’s to the gamers who play!

Here’s to the gamers who play!

We had a terrific weekend of gaming! On Thursday, we continued our Dungeon World campaign. Just a few loose ends and one more session  before we head into Death Frost Doom and A Red & Pleasant Land

On Friday, we had a board game night. We played some classics: Reiner Knizia’s Modern Art, Klaus Teuber’s Hoity Toity (Adel Verpflichtet, for you old-timers), and Uwe Rosenberg’s Bohnanza. You know, I used to be into board games the way I am currently into roleplaying games, and it felt good to get back into that spirit for a night. 

On Sunday, though, we went back to roleplaying games with a vengeance, playing Brian Engard’s Becoming, a couple of quick ones called Char. Gen. and Agent Down, and then two games of the fabulous Cheat Your Own Adventure. 

Thanks to everyone who came out: Daniel Fowler Jeff Burke Kyle McCauley Jorge Salazar Ferrell Riley Kristen D Scott Owen Steve Mains Daniel Lewis Aaron Scott and my boyfriend, Rich!