Starting this Sunday my brother and I are going to begin playing through Descent 2nd Edition’s Campaign.

Starting this Sunday my brother and I are going to begin playing through Descent 2nd Edition’s Campaign.

Starting this Sunday my brother and I are going to begin playing through Descent 2nd Edition’s Campaign.

For those of you who are already balking at the amount of time such a thing will take should know that the Campaign is separated into several encounters each of which take maybe 90 minutes to setup and play through, maybe a little less for the early encounters and maybe a little more for the later ones.

The great thing about Descent 2nd Edition is that we don’t need the same players to show up for every session or even for those players to play the same heroes.  Whomever wants to show up can show up whenever and play however much they want.

We will be skipping the first few Encounters as my brother and I have  played them about 4 times now in previous aborted attempts and don’t want to play them again.  However if somebody who’s never played before shows up and wants to play them, then we don’t mind.

We will be using the 2nd Edition Basic set, and the first two expansions for 2nd edition.  In addition we will be using all the converted heros and monsters from 1st.

Where: Asgard Games

When: Sunday, ~1pm

Now I’ve been told that a lot of you don’t like doing things at Asgard because of the crowd and noise level, but this shouldn’t be a problem as Asgard is pretty dead most Sundays.

So, are you guys ready to murder some beastmen?

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