Episode 12 of The Gauntlet Podcast is here.

Episode 12 of The Gauntlet Podcast is here.

Episode 12 of The Gauntlet Podcast is here. In this one, we discuss the idea of uniqueness in roleplaying games, and the utility of tropes. 

Tagging-in designers whose games we discuss: Matt Snyder Matthijs Holter Jason Morningstar.

As always, please post your feedback in the comments of this post.


18 thoughts on “Episode 12 of The Gauntlet Podcast is here.”

  1. Loved the episode (as usual). I was wondering if you checked out Ryubix Manor much (I think you were a fellow backer)? I’ve been wondering how viable it would be to run it with DW. I just couldn’t figure out how to make that happen though I wanted to so I could show the creator how DW makes everything better. Any thoughts?

  2. Loved the episode (as usual). I was wondering if you checked out Ryubix Manor much (I think you were a fellow backer)? I’ve been wondering how viable it would be to run it with DW. I just couldn’t figure out how to make that happen though I wanted to so I could show the creator how DW makes everything better. Any thoughts?

  3. Sean Smith It’s part of my megadungeon! I think it will work fine. I adapt OSR stuff to DW all the time. It is extremely easy; mostly just a matter of making some key custom moves and then improvising the rest.

  4. Sean Smith It’s part of my megadungeon! I think it will work fine. I adapt OSR stuff to DW all the time. It is extremely easy; mostly just a matter of making some key custom moves and then improvising the rest.

  5. I laughed at the lube cube.

    I have some barbie gaming tendencies myself. Where I want my character’s stats to represent their backstory and spend some time thinking about that and fiddling with the exact build.

    Which requires a somewhat complicated system. Where you can have a character building as expression. Works better with crunchy systems. Usually of the trad variety. But I guess picking just the right Fate aspects can be part of that too.

    It certainly is something you do to entertain yourself aside from the table. You have to keep in mind that you’ll actually have to make it playable in the end though.

    But when I do it, it goes more in the direction of that dragonborn bard and not the pansexual pink kitsune way. The choice I make have to mean something and tell something about the character.

    But sometimes I like to pick an odd charactertype or trait and see what I can do with it.

  6. I laughed at the lube cube.

    I have some barbie gaming tendencies myself. Where I want my character’s stats to represent their backstory and spend some time thinking about that and fiddling with the exact build.

    Which requires a somewhat complicated system. Where you can have a character building as expression. Works better with crunchy systems. Usually of the trad variety. But I guess picking just the right Fate aspects can be part of that too.

    It certainly is something you do to entertain yourself aside from the table. You have to keep in mind that you’ll actually have to make it playable in the end though.

    But when I do it, it goes more in the direction of that dragonborn bard and not the pansexual pink kitsune way. The choice I make have to mean something and tell something about the character.

    But sometimes I like to pick an odd charactertype or trait and see what I can do with it.

  7. I totally hear you on that early comment about 3-player vs. 4-player Fiasco! It’s a game that changes dramatically between 3, 4, and 5 players. 3 players is my personal favorite, simply because of that hyper-intense focus. It just fits together really tightly and snugly.

  8. I totally hear you on that early comment about 3-player vs. 4-player Fiasco! It’s a game that changes dramatically between 3, 4, and 5 players. 3 players is my personal favorite, simply because of that hyper-intense focus. It just fits together really tightly and snugly.

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