Grant Howitt tells us how not to suck with such choice phrases as: “You are the Health and Safety Inspector of…

Grant Howitt tells us how not to suck with such choice phrases as: “You are the Health and Safety Inspector of…

Grant Howitt tells us how not to suck with such choice phrases as: “You are the Health and Safety Inspector of roleplaying games, and you need to stop talking, because you are sucking the fun out of the game.”

To be fair, I’m guilty of 7 though

6 thoughts on “Grant Howitt tells us how not to suck with such choice phrases as: “You are the Health and Safety Inspector of…”

  1. I used to be the #6 Guy, but that was a real drag.  Now that I play simpler systems, it’s not really a problem.  (And even if my I’mgettingscrewed-ometer goes off, I can hold off until after the session).

  2. I used to be the #6 Guy, but that was a real drag.  Now that I play simpler systems, it’s not really a problem.  (And even if my I’mgettingscrewed-ometer goes off, I can hold off until after the session).

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