So, I’ve seen the Alpha version of the 5e PHB that’s been floating around the interwebs.

So, I’ve seen the Alpha version of the 5e PHB that’s been floating around the interwebs.

Originally shared by Brian Rodriguez

So, I’ve seen the Alpha version of the 5e PHB that’s been floating around the interwebs. While it won’t supplant my beloved 13th Age, I will say that it’s not as bad as I feared.

I would say that the Alpha is about 85 to 90% correct when compared to the teaser info released by WotC. It’s enough of an accuracy to give me a good impression of the released game. There are enough 4e nuggets in there to molify me, and any 1e and 2e mechanics are very suppressed. In my opinion, 5e looks to be primarily a love child between a diluted 3.5e and 4e Essentials.

While the Fighter is still boring, and my beloved Warlord is just a whispher of himself in the Battle Master path, the Warlock looks good and the Pally has potential.

Given this impression, I would play it, especially in a Con enviroment. I wouldn’t run it at home, as the system itself (especially the monsters) doesn’t excite me enough to put in the effort.

So I’ll be purchasing the 5e PHB, but most likely not purchase the DMG or MM. That frees up money to get Deep Magic for 13th Age (thank you ASH LAW and Wade Rockett)

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