Maybe we could play this as a warm-up to one of our Nordic LARPs.

Maybe we could play this as a warm-up to one of our Nordic LARPs.

Maybe we could play this as a warm-up to one of our Nordic LARPs.

Originally shared by Jake Richmond

Here’s the cover for the German hardcover edition of Sea Dracula. Pretty cool! I’m excited to see this! More info soon.

8 thoughts on “Maybe we could play this as a warm-up to one of our Nordic LARPs.”

  1. I’ve been trying to convince people we should play Sea-Dracula for months, but with no luck. It’s the conflict resolution by dance-off that seems to be the sticking point.

    Love the art for the German cover.

  2. I’ve been trying to convince people we should play Sea-Dracula for months, but with no luck. It’s the conflict resolution by dance-off that seems to be the sticking point.

    Love the art for the German cover.

  3. That art’s great, but the free version has a drawing of a giraffe ostentatiously trying and failing to fit a glove over its hoof.  Can’t top that shit.

  4. That art’s great, but the free version has a drawing of a giraffe ostentatiously trying and failing to fit a glove over its hoof.  Can’t top that shit.

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