If anyone wants a copy of the InSpectres movie, the Kickstarter for a DVD/BluRay run is about to end.

If anyone wants a copy of the InSpectres movie, the Kickstarter for a DVD/BluRay run is about to end.

If anyone wants a copy of the InSpectres movie, the Kickstarter for a DVD/BluRay run is about to end.  I’m on the fence about this one.  It honestly looks pretty terrible, but I can’t help but be curious.  If nothing else, it’s got to be better than the D&D movie, right?


4 thoughts on “If anyone wants a copy of the InSpectres movie, the Kickstarter for a DVD/BluRay run is about to end.”

  1. It pains me to say it, because I really like InSpectres the RPG, but this movie looks fucking terrible.

    How much better would it have been with your gator hunter, Mark Chance’s Tibetan dance, and Alexander Hay’s rabbinical school burnout? Probably lots.

  2. It pains me to say it, because I really like InSpectres the RPG, but this movie looks fucking terrible.

    How much better would it have been with your gator hunter, Mark Chance’s Tibetan dance, and Alexander Hay’s rabbinical school burnout? Probably lots.

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