My Torchbearer stuff came in.

My Torchbearer stuff came in.

My Torchbearer stuff came in. As usual, Luke Crane and his team have put together a really beautiful, high-quality product. I am in the middle of reading the rules and most of the typical caveats about his games apply, which is to say it is another crunchy game I want to love but that will probably never see any action at the table. That said, I do think a certain refinement has taken place since Mouse Guard and BWG. And there is something appealing about the way this game practically fetishizes the more mundane aspects of the dungeon crawler’s life (namely, the management of inventory and the importance of things like rations, gear, and torch light). 

I’d really love to give this one a few sessions down the road, but I fear it will be another Luke Crane heartbreaker. 

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