Last night, I ran a DCC module for our DW Anthology game.

Last night, I ran a DCC module for our DW Anthology game.

Last night, I ran a DCC module for our DW Anthology game. It was a mixed bag. I really loved the artwork in the module, and it had some nice, creative story details. And converting things to Dungeon World was painless. 

On the other hand, the story didn’t really gel with what I had in mind for the Anthology, broadly, and this particular campaign, specifically. There was also the fact I’m simply not comfortable in my GM skin running a module. I have always designed and run my own adventures. I’m good at making-up details on the fly, and I have a good sense of pace and drama developed over years of GM’ing. Sticking so close to this module felt very awkward. I wasn’t happy with the outcome.

We had some laughs with it, but I am retconning this adventure out of existence. We’re picking-up the campaign in two weeks and will pretend none of this happened (although the characters can keep their XP). This is something that has to be done from time-to-time, and knowing when to do so is a hallmark of good storytelling, I think. 

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