Didn’t you have some questions about this, Jason?

Didn’t you have some questions about this, Jason?

Didn’t you have some questions about this, Jason?

Originally shared by Kenneth Hite

I have loved Over the Edge by Jonathan Tweet since the moment I read it some 20 years ago. Possibly since the moment I read the disclaimer. It’s still one of my Top Five Best RPGs of all time, although I will allow it might actually be only one of the Top Ten Best RPGs of all time for someone who didn’t encounter William S. Burroughs and Philip K. Dick at a vulnerable age (freshman year in college), like I did. In my love, I even dedicated my guest Dork Tower strip to it (link in comments) way back in 2004 or so.

But my love for Over the Edge itself is, if anything, dwarfed by my love for “Last Chance Brains,” the included scenario in Weather the Cuckoo Likes, by Robin Laws. That scenario made me a raging Robin Laws fanboy, a condition that has only mildly moderated since. And that scenario, and its surrounding supplement, and the Over the Edge 2nd edition corebook, and nine more OTE supplements, some available for the first time ever in PDF, are all distending the current Bundle of Holding until it is like unto a great gravid spider ready to explode its festering mind-larvae into your ludopulmonary system.

You’d have to spend hundreds — even thousands — of drachmas in a Tangier musk den to get this much alteration of your core reality — but in the Bundle of Holding, it’s still less than $17. Buy it now, because Now ends on Wednesday, to be replaced with T.H.E.N.



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