Here’s to the gamers who play!

Here’s to the gamers who play!

Here’s to the gamers who play! 

Last night was a terrific way to wrap things up before the Thanksgiving break. We actually had time to play two games last night: WtMoYFaBA, YP and The Final Girl. 

Witness the Murder of Your Father and Be Ashamed, Young Prince turned out to be pretty good. It’s closer to a party game than an RPG (it feels similar to games like Werewolf and Mafia), but it was great fun. It took us a round to get the hang of it, but once we got going, it became very cutthroat. 

The Final Girl was, as ever, a blast. Our victims were stranded in the wilderness after a river rafting expedition gone awry. The killers were a family of chicken-fried cannibals.

Thanks to Rob Ferguson , Daniel Lewis , Ferrell Riley and Russell Benner for a great night of gaming!

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