Have to share.

Have to share.

Have to share.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

The premise of the scenario was to draw characters from various urban-fantasy characters.

I never expected someone to choose a character from MY setting. Granted it’s because he was playing that character in another one-shot, but still.

Creator Happy Dance!!!!!!!!!!



Since people are sharing creatures.

Since people are sharing creatures.

Since people are sharing creatures.

Nest Serpent: a breed of snake bred to protect the nests of Greenwater communities. It is assumed they were originally bred by the dragons before the servant races of the Water rose up in rebellion. They are now used by most of the egg-laying species of the region from the near human Malana (Feyrik in Ffolk tongue) to the more draconic Ranida (Rik in Ffolk tongue). They can be found in great numbers around communal hatching grounds where they typically watch for a kill dangerous pests such as rats and certain other snakes. Some individuals are known to keep nest serpents as personal pets. They are constrictors with smooth scales of dark green color. Immune to most venoms though only a small number are immune to mal viper venom. Sadly those are mostly identified only after being killed by other victims of the vipers.

Mal viper. Another bred species of snake these were created as a weapon of terror. A bite from the mal viper may result in death for the victim after an hour or so, though many adults survive, but the real danger lies in the fact that those under the effect of the mal viper venom behave in a mindlessly aggressive and violent fashion for almost the entire duration. Mal vipers are notoriously territorial and hostile, seemingly going out of their way and risking their own lives in order to bite other creatures they sense nearby. It is consistently hoped that they will go extinct as their hostility often extends to each other if nothing else is around. However they have persisted in being a threat in the Greenwater. Mal vipers seem to target children, nurseries, and hatcheries as well as their guardians first. They bear a similarity in appearance to nest serpents but have rougher scales and are slimmer in build.

You know, every year, other projects and real life always seems to leave me with a feeling of getting my summer…

You know, every year, other projects and real life always seems to leave me with a feeling of getting my summer…

You know, every year, other projects and real life always seems to leave me with a feeling of getting my summer virtual table-top event preparations going to the last minute……

Anyway, back to the prep.

It’s been a long time since I updated the playtest Divine Blood campaign and I’ve ended up combining two of the…

It’s been a long time since I updated the playtest Divine Blood campaign and I’ve ended up combining two of the…

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

It’s been a long time since I updated the playtest Divine Blood campaign and I’ve ended up combining two of the sessions into one report.

We’re getting close to the climax of this campaign and we’re already discussing characters and themes for the next one.

That will be a bit in coming. In the meantime, have a bit of investigation and a train wreck.

Had this bizarre thought of a PbtA campaign that starts out Spirit of 77 goes to Monster of the Week then Apocalypse…

Had this bizarre thought of a PbtA campaign that starts out Spirit of 77 goes to Monster of the Week then Apocalypse…

Had this bizarre thought of a PbtA campaign that starts out Spirit of 77 goes to Monster of the Week then Apocalypse World then Legacy then Dungeon World then Fellowship, all the same world.

So I broadcast from G+ Hangouts On Air via Youtube and did gaming via Roll20 and voice via Discord.

So I broadcast from G+ Hangouts On Air via Youtube and did gaming via Roll20 and voice via Discord.

So I broadcast from G+ Hangouts On Air via Youtube and did gaming via Roll20 and voice via Discord.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

The video for tonight’s game.

A dryad college student on vacation, a somewhat washed up airship captain, and a mysterious storm.



Setting up for roleplaying on Tabletop Day tomorrow.

Setting up for roleplaying on Tabletop Day tomorrow.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Setting up for roleplaying on Tabletop Day tomorrow.

Both sessions the same scenario: http://thrythlind.blogspot.jp/2017/04/international-tabletop-day-scenario.html

Session One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpq86XCc4ws

Session Two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sKTOmWahNc

My experience with Google+ is that it is best to have emails so that the event coordinators can invite you.

I will be setting up about an hour before scheduled time to wait to see if anybody decides to come on and play.

I’ve got Hangouts On Air working for live-streaming, yay, but all my apps are gone, so bring your own dice and I’ll trust you. Fate Dice if you’ve got them, standard d6s if you don’t.


Been about a month since I played a session of my D&D campaign.

Been about a month since I played a session of my D&D campaign.

Been about a month since I played a session of my D&D campaign.

Another session of my Princes of Apocaverse campaign.

The Feathergale Society unleashes a magical weapon against the town of Red Larch in an attempt to recover their lost knight and punish the heroes.

I think the suggested timeline of the book has officially been derailed.


It feels like a lot of my Gauntlet-involved activity recently is basically lurking and referring people to the…

It feels like a lot of my Gauntlet-involved activity recently is basically lurking and referring people to the…

It feels like a lot of my Gauntlet-involved activity recently is basically lurking and referring people to the community when they’re looking for online games.

The Fellowship / Armello thing went very well, but I’ll try to be more active again.