Tonight we played Final Girl for the first time.

Tonight we played Final Girl for the first time.

Tonight we played Final Girl for the first time. What a blast! Our killer was clowns (shudder) and the madness took place in a mall. Much fun was had though in the end it seems no one made it out alive. A fantastic way to hang out for Friday the 13th!

A PbtA game that just hit Kickstarter.

A PbtA game that just hit Kickstarter.

A PbtA game that just hit Kickstarter. Sounds like an amusing premise and I thought there might be some interest for it in the group. I personally love the Dresden books by Jim Butcher so I could really get off on a setting like this if done well.

Possibly something of interest?

Possibly something of interest?

Possibly something of interest? Not sure how this compares with Worlds In Peril but it looked very interesting at a glance anyway.

Originally shared by Narp Narperson

Hey Guys! I’m back to give you all one more update! I’d like to present: The Hero World Beta!

Hero World is basically a Superhero Apocalypse World hack! But instead of emulating western superheroes and their kind, this tries to emulate Tokusatsu heroes! Things like Power Rangers , Kamen Rider , Sailor Moon , etc.

The PDF is still a Beta so of course most of the rules presented are up for some editing, and if you decide to play a game of this then please! Feel free to note any issues you come across and tell me! As I will gladly accept them.

Any other Kickstarter backers of Storium interested in testing the system out?

Any other Kickstarter backers of Storium interested in testing the system out?

Any other Kickstarter backers of Storium interested in testing the system out? We have started up a Steampunk romp and need some extra players to fill the roster.

There is a game in the works scheduled to start Sunday 4/27 at 5pm CST featuring the Outbreak: Undead game system by…

There is a game in the works scheduled to start Sunday 4/27 at 5pm CST featuring the Outbreak: Undead game system by…

There is a game in the works scheduled to start Sunday 4/27 at 5pm CST featuring the Outbreak: Undead game system by Hunter Books. It is scheduled for a minimal of 3 weeks, mainly as a chance to test the system out and see how well it works (so you need to be able to commit to the 3 Sundays ideally). If you are interested, sign up on the warhorn. I have included the link to the calendar event but I’m not sure if it is accessible. If you post interest here though, I can be sure to send a direct invite.

Oh, and a link to the actual game as I believe they have a quickstart guide as well. I think this game is more crunchy so it might not appeal to many; however, had to throw out the invite.

I’m planning on running a game of Mutant Chronicles on Friday 3/21 from 7-11pm CST online.

I’m planning on running a game of Mutant Chronicles on Friday 3/21 from 7-11pm CST online.

I’m planning on running a game of Mutant Chronicles on Friday 3/21 from 7-11pm CST online. This is based off the beta rules offered for free from Modiphius per their recent kickstarter. If this sounds like something you might want to check out, let me know and I’ll send you an invite. If you would read the rules (less then 25 pages I think) that would be helpful since we would all be learning the system together. However, please don’t read the included adventure as that is what I plan to run.

We have an online Dungeon World scheduled for 3/4/2014 from 6:30-9:00pm CST.

We have an online Dungeon World scheduled for 3/4/2014 from 6:30-9:00pm CST.

We have an online Dungeon World scheduled for 3/4/2014 from 6:30-9:00pm CST. We could use one more player if anyone is interested. Please respond here and I’ll send you the event invite!