Thanks to everyone who had a part in our Shardland-fundraiser!

Thanks to everyone who had a part in our Shardland-fundraiser!

Thanks to everyone who had a part in our Shardland-fundraiser! We donated 760 € this morning, this is about 880 $, to Doctors Without Borders for their refugee project around the Mediterranean. This is incredible, I hope this can make at least a small difference! For more information, please read the article on my blog:

Hi everybody, we’re going to donate all June/July/August sales revenue of our Fate setting #Shardland to Doctors…

Hi everybody, we’re going to donate all June/July/August sales revenue of our Fate setting #Shardland to Doctors…

Hi everybody, we’re going to donate all June/July/August sales revenue of our Fate setting #Shardland to Doctors without Borders. If you’re interested in a PDF or print version, you can find it here:–Muskets-Blades-and-Words-of-Power (the German version is called Scherbenland and it’s on drivethru as well.)

In June, we got the German RPG award for it and we want to use the little bit of publicity to support the refugee projects in Libia and the Mediterranean. Thanks to everyone who already donated or shared this! :-X–Muskets-Blades-and-Words-of-Power

We just decided to donate all sales revenues from #Shardland and #Scherbenland from June to August 2018 to Médecins…

We just decided to donate all sales revenues from #Shardland and #Scherbenland from June to August 2018 to Médecins…

We just decided to donate all sales revenues from #Shardland and #Scherbenland from June to August 2018 to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) for their emergency help for refugees in Lybia, Europe and on the Mediterranean. Please, feel free to share this, we would be very happy to raise a little money. We feel so powerless right now and we want to DO something.–Muskets-Blades-and-Words-of-Power–Muskets-Blades-and-Words-of-Power

Perhaps a friend and I recorded the first German-speaking all-female RPG podcast.

Perhaps a friend and I recorded the first German-speaking all-female RPG podcast.

Perhaps a friend and I recorded the first German-speaking all-female RPG podcast. 😉 I’m not 100% sure – but people were complaining on twitter that there is no RPG podcast with women, so we ventured out into the wild, tried our very best not to ramble along too incoherently in this zeroest episode and I guess we’ll make some more episodes in the future. 😉

If you’re German speaking and like to tune in, I would be happy to read your feedback! 😀

Hi, I’d like to share some thoughts about Andre Wiesler and his RPG Protektor.

Hi, I’d like to share some thoughts about Andre Wiesler and his RPG Protektor.

Hi, I’d like to share some thoughts about Andre Wiesler and his RPG Protektor. If you like, read my Twitter thread. Andre died about half a year ago and his friends finished his last project:

Hi, thanks for having me!

Hi, thanks for having me!

Hi, thanks for having me! I’m a fiction and RPG author from Germany, I write SFF novels, but also essays for the German TOR website and the Geek! magazine and I translate Warhammer 40K novels. At the moment, I write contributions to Dread and Space 1889, and for my husband’s and my Fate settings “Shardland” and “Eis&Dampf”. And the third novel of a novel trilogy that’s connected to Shardland. 🙂