This is the link for the second meeting of the Mandatory Fun Club.
This is the link for the second meeting of the Mandatory Fun Club. Please note the slightly different start and end times for this one. Also please note the very tight RSVP cap.
Once our five-session campaign of Grim World has ended, the Gauntlet Anthology will be ending as a regular, weekly…
Once our five-session campaign of Grim World has ended, the Gauntlet Anthology will be ending as a regular, weekly occurrence. Beginning in February, Fridays will no longer have a dedicated purpose. The nature of the activities scheduled on Fridays may change from week-to-week. There might be multi-session length games, one-shots, movie/game night combos, stunt scheduling, etc. We may occasionally play a game in which we re-visit the Anthology world (including on other days of the week) but it will not be as frequent.
I was thinking of doing a poll to see what kinds of things players would like to do on Fridays, but then I remembered that’s silly – the Gauntlet is not a democracy. Trust that whatever I schedule on a given Friday will be terrific fun and you will regret missing it.
Some pics from our first Story Game Sunday of 2015.
Some pics from our first Story Game Sunday of 2015. We played Graham Walmsley’s A Taste for Murder. I like this one a lot. In fact, we discussed this one a bit on Episode 0 of the podcast (plug, plug), so go check it out. The game has a tendency to be a little silly, but that’s part of its charm.
Thanks to Daniel Lewis Steve Mains Ferrell Riley Jaime and Belinda.
For the first game of 2015, we started a Grim World campaign.
For the first game of 2015, we started a Grim World campaign.
So far, I’m enjoying it quite a bit. The playbooks are very unusual and cool. These are definitely not your standard D&D-esque classes. I’ll be curious to see where the story goes.
Thanks to everyone who came out: Ferrell Riley Gary Wilson Russell Benner Jorge Salazar Scott Owen and Daniel Fowler
I have been a player in some spectacularly shitty games in my life, and one thing each of those games had in common is the GM never asked the players any questions. Oh, sure, the players were occasionally asked questions necessary to advance the plot (“The door is locked. What do you do?” or “The orc is attacking you. What do you do?”), but there were never any questions about the characters themselves. A good GM asks lots of questions about the characters and, further, he pays attention to the answers and incorporates them into the fiction.
Some games practically codify this behavior in their rulesets. In Monsterhearts, for example, the rules require you to spend almost the entire first session peppering the players with questions about their characters’ recent past, about their relationships with NPCs and other PCs, and their home life. As the MC (which is what the GM is called in Monsterhearts), you are to furiously scribble down notes about the answers to these questions, and then use those notes to build the world for future sessions. It’s an excellent process, and one that never really ends, since a good MC will continue to ask questions in future sessions, and further build on the answers. Ultimately, what you end up with is a world the players actually give a shit about, since so much of it came directly from them.
But what makes a good question? This may sound a bit counterintuitive, but I think the best questions are not open-ended ones. The best questions are very specific, are somewhat leading, or they make assumptions about the character’s past. Let’s have an example of what I mean:
The open-ended question would be phrased: “Tell me about what happened between you and Sarah last summer?”
The better version of this question would be phrased: “Last summer, you and Sarah went on a date. The date went very poorly. Why?”
An even better version goes like this: “Last summer, you and Sarah went on a date. It ended very badly, with you literally kicking Sarah out of your truck. What happened to cause you to have such a violent reaction?”
Let’s assess all three versions. The first question is a good one if your player is imaginative and quick on his feet. So long as he gives you something to work with, you can ask some follow-up questions to get to the really good stuff. Still, it’s not my favorite question, because it’s a little too open-ended and there is a risk your player will say something boring (consider, for example, if the player answered with something like “Last summer, Sarah and I worked at the same job and we became really good friends.” Dull, dull, dull).
The second version of the question is much better, because it pre-loads the drama. We know that Sarah and the PC went on a date, and that the date ended badly. Now, there is still a chance the player will answer with something boring, but it’s a much smaller chance, for sure.
The third one is the best, because it makes a very strong assumption about the character (in this example, that the character is capable of domestic violence), and the answer to this question, if it’s an honest one, can only be interesting. You don’t physically kick people out of your vehicle over something minor or boring. Some kind of bad shit definitely went down, and discovering what it was, and what its implications are for the story, is going to be a hell of a lot of fun. Astute readers will have also picked-up on the following benefit: the questions, particularly these stingingly specific ones, allow the GM to shape the story indirectly.
Now, your immediate reaction to this analysis might have been “But what if I don’t want my character to commit domestic violence? What if my character wouldn’t do that? Who says my character was even into Sarah in the first place?” This is an understandable reaction, because we have been taught by lesser roleplaying games that, while the GM controls the wider world, we are in charge of our characters. Questions that make assumptions about our characters seem to rob us of our agency. This may be a particularly acute problem for the types of players who bring six-page backstories about their character to the first session (A minor detour: never do this. You are the most insufferable sort of dick player if you arrive to the gaming table with a bunch of fucking backstory. No one cares. Ever.), but even more thoughtful players could feel this way, too.
My response to this concern is two-fold: 1) Don’t be so goddamn boring and 2) these characters had a life before we got our hands on them. The first part is pretty simple. When you actively disengage from the interesting things in the name of protecting your precious character, you are being a boring asshole. Consider the classic situation involving Bonds in Dungeon World. The Thief playbook says something like “Character X is running a con with me.” Sometimes, when Character X is named, their player objects with “My character would never do that!” and then they just ignore it. If you have ever done that in my DW game, you should know that I probably wanted to reach across the table and punch you. That particular Thief bond is giving your character a chance to be interesting, but you are completely shutting it down in the name of protecting your character’s integrity, which, I should mention, no one gives a fuck about. Maybe your character is involved in the con, but he doesn’t want to be? Maybe he is being blackmailed, or he’s a patsy? Who knows, but those possibilities are a hell of a lot more interesting than “My character wouldn’t do that.”
The second part of my response, that these characters had a life before we got ahold of them, is a little more nuanced, and somewhat philosophical. Basically, the idea is that you only have control over your character during a small slice of his life. Anything that happened before you got your hands on him can be filled-in by the GM and the other players, so long as everyone is being true to the spirit of the setting. The questions the GM asks you might make your character seem very unsympathetic, but all he has done is make your character more interesting at the outset, and it’s on you to redeem the character through play (if that’s what you want to do).
To summarize: ask lots of questions. The more specific and front-loaded, the better. Use the answers to ask even more questions, and then build on all these answers. Your game world will be ten times more interesting to the players, and everyone will agree you are a rockstar GM.