Another session of our Monsterhearts game.

Another session of our Monsterhearts game.

Another session of our Monsterhearts game. I don’t even know where to start for my Infernal: parental issues, being in her dark self for the entire session, at least not all the other PCs are after her!

Victor, the ghoul is too busy screwing/murdering his teachers!

Madison, the witch deploying gicky hexes

Aster, the Fae trying to be reasonable (like that’s going to last!)

David Jay, J.D. Lichauco, Jørund Kambestad Lie, Yoshi Creelman

P.S. not sure if we’re organising this on the Gauntlet anymore, so let me know if you still want to see these posts here

Another great session of Monsterhearts!

Another great session of Monsterhearts!

Another great session of Monsterhearts!

We almost acted like a regular party of PCs at the start of this, banding together to work like a team.

That lasted at least 5 seconds after the rescue and then the fault-lines erupted again, worse than ever.

Chloe, my Infernal gets called ‘sweet’ by just about everyone on her inevitable way to rock bottom!

J.D. Lichauco with Yoshi Creelman and Jørund Kambestad Lie

AP from the 2nd session of the Gauntlet’s MonsterHearts game .

AP from the 2nd session of the Gauntlet’s MonsterHearts game .

AP from the 2nd session of the Gauntlet’s MonsterHearts game .

We welcomed Yoshi Creelman’s Fae and this session was soooo good.

I thought our ‘homework’ (we wrote a few things in between sessions about what our characters wanted) was used to fantastic effect by J.D. Lichauco 

I mean, it’s basically a love letter to the MC: “you should probably burn these things down!” 😉

For me, the final big scene where my Infernal brings someone to the Dark Power was so powerful. I felt terrible! Such a dramatic high

Here’s some AP from the 1st session of the Gauntlet’s MonsterHearts game last week.

Here’s some AP from the 1st session of the Gauntlet’s MonsterHearts game last week.

Here’s some AP from the 1st session of the Gauntlet’s MonsterHearts game last week. Big ups to J.D. Lichauco for handling our shenanigans with great deftness.

Kudos to the other players David Jay and Jørund Kambestad Lie for dialling their characters’ messy lives to 11!

Find out more about our monsters here

I’ve got a looming problem I’m struggling with and thought I’d cast the question out here:

I’ve got a looming problem I’m struggling with and thought I’d cast the question out here:

I’ve got a looming problem I’m struggling with and thought I’d cast the question out here:

Our gaming group is going to return to a long-running campaign which has been in hiatus while we play a load of shorter campaigns and one-shots. In the meantime a new player has joined the group and I’m wondering how best to get him up to speed with the game.

Things I’m not worried about are:

1. player’s integration with the group

2. his character being on a par with the other PCs

More concerned at the right balance to strike between info-dumping and rendering everything that has gone before irrelevant.

I have a thought that working with the player to give his character something big to add to the game world would be good, but really unsure how to treat this

Grateful for any hard-won wisdom I can borrow!