


This is a short list of some classic adventurer moves, inspired by stories and film. Like many moves these could all be handled by role play but it can sometimes help players to see them written down. You could offer these as multi-class/compendium moves or just add them to the basic moves list. While some do not require a roll, most happen to involve CHA so they might infringe on the bards role.

Everything not Nailed down:

When you make a determined effort to pick up or steel everything you can carry from a location filled with mundane items, add Loot (x weight) to your inventory. Loot weighs as much as your remaining load +1 at the time of collection. You may not use this move if you are already carrying more than your load. The value of loot is equal to its weight

Every part of the buffalo:

When you attempt to harvest a specific part of monster or animal anatomy roll + CON and gain 1 use of the part.

On a 10+ gain 3. On a 7-9 gain 1

*It does not take long

*it does not get messy

*gain an additional use. This can be chosen repeatedly

(examples: venom sacs, feathers, gut string, jerky, horns, pelts)


When you seek to throw or alter your voice, roll +CHA on a 10+ choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1

*The target is fooled

*The target won’t figure it out later

*Take +1 forward for dealing with the target

Distraction Dance:

when you are otherwise useless, do a dance, sing the song of your people and roll + CHA

10+: choose 3, 7-9: choose 2, 6-: DM chooses 1 and tells you what happens

*you do not look foolish

*you get the complete attention of the room

*your actions actually disturb, unsettle or anger your audience


When you explain your personal experience, background or training on a subject you may take +1 forward on a spout lore check on that subject as if you had a book. (examples: an experienced fighter discussing battle plans, a ranger identifying an animal call, a farmer moving a stubborn cow)

If only we had…:

Once per session, when you reach into your pack or robes to produce just the right small tool, substance or ingredient. Explain how you came across it and why you keep some handy. It only has one use and no one has any more on them. (examples: a hair pin, a bottle of dwarf tears, unicorn dust, a pinch of dried bat guano)


When you want to communicate your intentions secretly to another player while being watched. Roll + Bond/CHA. on a 10+ hold 2. On a 7-9 hold 1

*Your message was understood by the target.

*Your message was not observed by the watcher.

*Your message was not observed by anyone else.

Home wrecker:

When you seduce one of a pair or Group of allied NPCs, roll + CHA. On a 10+ they will actively betray their partner/allies. On a 7-9 they will help you but need concrete assurances of your devotion before openly leaving their partner/group.

Play dead:

When you drop to the ground and pretend to be dead, ask the GM what it will take to convince your attacker that you are no longer alive. If you are capable and willing to go to those lengths then your ploy succeeds. (examples: soil yourself, do not react when kicked or stabbed, hide amongst other bodies)


You are skilled at imitating the sounds or speech of animals and people you have heard.

Cunning Plan:

When you make extensive preparations to infiltrate a secure or dangerous location, roll + prep. Prep can be the acquisition of disguises or special equipment, bribes paid to the right people or intelligence gathered.

On a 10+ you get in and choose when and how you reveal yourself.

On a 7-9 you get in but are exposed before securing your goal.

Sleight of Hand:

When you wish to make something handheld disappear, roll + CHA. On a hit you can hide the item on your person, pass it to another character, or deposit it nearby without being noticed by your mark. On a 10+ chose one:

*the mark can be convinced that the item is truly gone and not just hidden nearby.

*the mark will accept something of similar size as the desired object without inspecting it until later.


Once per move: When a specific NPC or creature does something that cannot be forgiven, and you dedicate yourself to bringing them to justice, write their name on your character sheet, it’s up to you to stop them. Gain a +1 forward against them whenever you meet. At the same time other characters take a -1 forward against them. (note: this should make them even more of a big deal and push you towards a personal confrontation). This move may be taken again after the first nemesis is dealt with. You may not name an NPC that is already targeted by another player.

I have been reading the rule book for Dungeon Crawl Classic and I am starting to really look forward to trying it.

I have been reading the rule book for Dungeon Crawl Classic and I am starting to really look forward to trying it.

I have been reading the rule book for Dungeon Crawl Classic and I am starting to really look forward to trying it. I found an app that looks really amazing called “the crawler’s companion”.

it has all the DCC dice

character generator that you can email to yourself for printing a stack of zero level characters.

monster creator

spell handlers

reference material

and basically takes away a lot of the fear that the giant rule book instills. check it out in the app store if you are interested in DCC


One of the things I love in horror movies is the act 1 buildup of suspense.

One of the things I love in horror movies is the act 1 buildup of suspense.

One of the things I love in horror movies is the act 1 buildup of suspense. This is often achieved by having the characters explore the aftermath of a bad situation or the den of a monster. Think about the Aliens film where the marines explore the colony. They see evidence of struggle and a couple clues, but most importantly they can’t find any civilians. I am often tempted to do something similar in DW. have the players explore a silent crypt, abandoned town, empty lair until they get in deep and trigger the danger. Maybe they break the seal on the mummy’s tomb, spend the night in the abandoned inn, or disturb the nest in the back of the cave. Now they are in trouble, the trouble hinted at by the earlier exploration: inscriptions of curses or gnawed bones and shed skins.

My worry is that the exploration part, act 1, will either be boring for the players or will cause them to worry too much and slow down to a crawl. Has anyone found a good way to handle this?

I was wondering what people are looking for in RPGs. I’m talking about settings, gimmicks and set pieces.

I was wondering what people are looking for in RPGs. I’m talking about settings, gimmicks and set pieces.

I was wondering what people are looking for in RPGs. I’m talking about settings, gimmicks and set pieces.

Mounted Spider Combat? Giant robots that combine into larger robots? Adventure inside a human body? Prison life? Planetary colonization? Disease outbreak? Hollow earth? Anthropomorphic Dinosaurs? a demon possessed 18-wheeler? A Russian Plot to build an army cloned from Elvis Presley?

I tend to think in terms of things you could drop into Dungeon World or some other PBTA game but feel free to come up with less traditional or more abstract ideas. With any luck a GM will grab one of your idea and run with it on a future Gauntlet event.

Check out my new prototype RPG box (sometimes referred to as a Jason box).

Check out my new prototype RPG box (sometimes referred to as a Jason box).

Check out my new prototype RPG box (sometimes referred to as a Jason box). Its 3D printed in blue PLA and includes two laser cut pieces of acrylic.

Also check out two Conan inspired pieces of art commissioned from the gauntlet’s own Nery Mejicano. Expect to see these in dice towers soon.

Tell me what you think.